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lookoutas, Jul 13, 10:37pm
Imagine the feedback!

I can't believe that someone has to stoop to reading someone elses profile just to throw unquantified dirt back. And not for the first time either.


gmphil, Jul 13, 11:04pm
I got a trademeemail lol aparently i put offensive stuff up so answer is

hornnett, Jul 14, 12:15am
gotya lol

tonyrockyhorror, Jul 14, 12:37am
Someone certainly suffers small, insignificant man syndrome.

gunhand, Jul 14, 12:42am
S.I.M.S.A new acronym.

skin1235, Jul 14, 1:04am
the song crying time comes to mind

hornnett, Jul 14, 1:09am
And the lot of you played the man not the ball and now all are having a moan about it.You guys have been on here so long you think you are in fact did take a little longer than I thought but hey in the end I got a result.

mugenb20b, Jul 14, 1:11am
Are you short!

skin1235, Jul 14, 1:12am
and someone called me a troll the other day
at least I don't set out with emails and or bannings as a goal

fordkiwi27, Jul 14, 1:20am
one of lifes great winners

hornnett, Jul 14, 1:24am
You are slow learners I have already told you that I am taking the mickey and yet you still persist,Gosh it should be a bit harder to do than this.Guess you guys set the bench mark of the intelligence of the motoring message board.

skyblue17, Jul 14, 1:29am
Issues moog.!

tgray, Jul 14, 1:37am
Can I suggest you 'take the mickey' as you put it, on something other than a fathers plight with a seriously sick child in hospital!
No use back pedalling now, as you have shown your true colours.
You are obviously not a father.

tonyrockyhorror, Jul 14, 4:56am
Positively miniature, I'm sure.

hornnett, Jul 14, 5:37am
18 months to get from Christchurch to Auckland where his daughter is in hospital,come on guys smell the roses.Your desire to get one over me left you wide open to this guy,so love human nature lol,Will have to start selling land in Florida to you lot.

fordkiwi27, Jul 14, 7:25am
f$$k off you wa##er. i dont care if i get banned. C@@t

tonyrockyhorror, Jul 14, 8:12am
Yeah, we get it. You're a selfish prick. Good for you.

lookoutas, Jul 14, 4:22pm
Just ignore this plonker guys.

Hope things go well buyme3.

hornnett, Jul 14, 4:33pm
Well actually I just happen to have this nice piece of land plenty of water,sun,no neighbours and plenty of natural wild life,so are you interested! By the sounds of it you seem stressed out this couldbe turn in to a nice little retreat.

lookoutas, Jul 14, 5:05pm
Good on ya gmphil - us Ford guy's will adopt you as fordphil.
And you can also be called mo-paphil

skin1235, Jul 14, 5:27pm
several scenario's re the heater

the resisters maybe blown, the fuse may be blown, the switch may be shot

power goes to the fan motor then to the resistors then to the switch and the switch provides the earth path for the various resistors

check all fuses first, if none blown, then check both leads at the fan - check the loom side after unplugging them, one is power in - will show 12v - the other is power out, if you have 1 live there, plug them back in and check the plug at the resistor block - one has to be live the other 3 or 4 are not - if you find one live there you at least have brushes okay in the fan

if you find a fuse blown, replace it, if it blows again check for jammed fan motor ( after the fan all electrics are running to earth - bare wires etc will not blow a fuse - you can direct earth the non live wire as it exits the fan for full speed)

fordkiwi27, Jul 14, 5:39pm
another warning because of complaints received. someone didnt like my post.

skin1235, Jul 14, 5:45pm
thought maybe the earlier ones were result of votes to have some removed to preserve the actual OP's request for help
obviously some have let their sense of compassion become swamped by their need for attention and amusement, in a way that no-one finds amusing

hornnett, Jul 14, 5:51pm
Another!gee sport have you figured out why yet lol

hornnett, Jul 14, 5:52pm
Or is it because there are so many suckers in here!