Auction no488530090

casper35, Jun 30, 10:24pm
seems a bit dodgy car is white carjams says its silver and the odo says 12410ks but carjam says over 156000ks,nice car but things dont add up.

kazbanz, Jun 30, 10:32pm
this has already been talked about

mugenb20b, Jun 30, 10:36pm
Doesn't matter.

casper35, Jul 1, 2:41am
Could matter if some unsuspecting person buys it.

poppajn, Jul 1, 3:10am
Buyer say,s in Q&A it,s genuine mileage

casper35, Jul 1, 3:29am
Not according to carjam 156000ks

gunhand, Jul 1, 3:32am
Well dont buy it then. And carjam is never wrong a!

snj11, Jul 1, 3:33am
the car itself may have done the low kms but the plates attached are dodgy. Id say it was an uncompliable import and they have illegally attached plates and tags from another car. The plates tell the story of a car that was imported in 2003 with 60000kms on the clock, milage rose steadily until 2009 to 150kms, then in 2011 the milage drops down to 7000kms, and starts to rise again. Also the plates belong to a silver car not a white one. Its clear this car has had dodgy plates attached

galex, Jul 1, 7:27am
Carjam is frequently wrong, those mileage figures are entered by fat fingered mechanics :-) at W.O.F time and are easily entered wrongly.

cody_ross, Jul 3, 11:25pm
i tryed writing a post on this but it got removed! notice how the seller has now withdrawn. dodgy as, even the state of the engine bay didnt seem like a 12000km car

a18a, Jul 4, 2:25am
it seems the guys fingers get fatter every time that car has been for a wof up until last year!

aragorn2003, Jul 4, 2:27am
far fingered mechanics poor digit pushing will get rectified on the next wof not continue on the same trail