Parts Wash

supernova2, Jul 17, 7:00am
I've got one of those parts wash machines (supersheep) that needs a water based product as the pump is plastic.Anyone with any good ideas on what to use in it!

Also any suggestions on a good cost effective solvent type cleaner that can then be washed off!Kero is just too dear nowdays.


intrade, Jul 17, 7:10am
what did the manual say to use on the parts washer! or did you just put the idea togather that the pump cant handle solvents when its made from plastic!

supernova2, Jul 17, 3:52pm
No manual - its from supersheep and putting a manual in the box would make it superdeer!Got a label thatsays waterbased only, also the electric pump is submerged in the fluid tank so flamable don't sound a good idea.Needless to say the dimbulb at supersheep has no idea what is supposed to be used in their product.

gadgit3, Jul 17, 3:55pm
You could try a product from Pacer called super rip. It's a great degreaser and you mix it up 50/50 with water.

trader_84, Jul 17, 4:00pm
Dude . diesel. It eats through anything . lubricates and is cheap in relative terms compared to cleaners.

beart0y, Jul 17, 4:00pm
What about the Export degreaser they have! That is water based and available in bulk. My guess is that's what they use.

trader_84, Jul 17, 4:16pm
Depends how much you want to spend. I??

trader_84, Jul 17, 4:24pm
Dipping your pinkies into diesel and gasoline . yes - I am Bogan.