spending a week in Auckland soon & I might buy a new (second hand) car while I'm there. Probably have to buy from a dealer, recommentations please, thinking of Corrolla or Mazda 3
Aug 5, 12:09am
learn indian before you go
Aug 5, 12:10am
Bumping for Kazbanz
Aug 5, 12:12am
Millars Car Centre
Aug 5, 12:15am
Brushing up on my Indilish as I type
Aug 5, 12:29am
o my golly gosh yes sabib I am to be thinking dat learning of the Indian verre verre good idea. Or alternatively Millars Car Centre if you want to speka da english
Aug 5, 2:22am
+1 I've heard nothing but good things about that dealer!
Aug 5, 2:27am
Havn't dealt with Millers myself but the word goes that he has goes out of his way to make sure the customer is happy, above all else and it would seem that includes profit margins! Would happily deal with him, or any dealer like him.
Aug 5, 2:35am
Never heard of him.Where is he.!
Aug 5, 2:37am
Learn the main indian words: " What price"!, "how much discount for cash"! and " what discount if I buy it today"!.Buy in the weekdays esp wed/ thurs when they're keen to do a deal.Start of a month is no good, end of the month is great esp if they're missing their sales targets!
Aug 5, 2:38am
in west auckland i believe, a real genuine decent car dealer - yes they do exist
Aug 5, 2:40am
Yes.We've heard the same about Miller's Car Sales ourselves.Apparently he is a good dude.
Aug 5, 4:39am
Thanks every-one for the advice, I'll tell the Millers sales person they have plenty of friends on Trademe
Aug 5, 4:41am
Try to catch him before he starts drinking. He's usually sober till at least 10.am
Aug 5, 4:42am
He also employs child labour - I've seen a photo to prove it!
Aug 5, 4:42am
ahem, just kidding of course. He does have a good rep. Thought I had better clarify that before i was ostracized.
Aug 5, 4:43am
No not child labour, that was a midget!
Aug 5, 5:00am
I cover all of Auckland inspecting cars, south/west Auckland i do a quick check before i inspect, indian / european / chinese / russian / middle eastern all cut corners so where ever you buy get a independant inspection regardless of a vehicles looks or value
Aug 5, 5:33am
yup, been there and bought - highly recommend
Aug 5, 5:46am
I dealt with Millers as well and found them to be friendly and professional . Can vouch for them personally
Aug 5, 5:49am
Rod Mllner in Greenlane has a pretty good reputation and reasonable prices.
Aug 5, 2:52pm
Give me a hoy.see what I've got in stock.self advertising. Cheaper up here than down south. Careful sho you deal with.check check and doub le check.
Aug 5, 5:37pm
try orix,champion car sales,kilburns,wall motors,wheels on wairau,just right cars any more
Aug 5, 10:16pm
Hey Op. The Corolla is a fairly diverse beastie now. The 5 door hatch is calleda corolla runx or allex, The sedan is still called corolla,The wagon is now called a feilder. -all good solid reliable cars. The mazda 3 is a good car too,There is a jap import variation on it which is called the Verissa. But you might find you fall in love with something totallydifferent. Whatever you do decide on I reccomend getting a pre purchase inspection carried out. I can vouch for Car Inspection services
Aug 5, 10:25pm
Hence all the recommendations OP.
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