If you want to pay 10x the price sure go there. Hamilton have some very good yards also if you are heading thru that way
Aug 6, 11:10pm
Park and Sell, Glenfield, my car Mazda 3 Axela SP23 - awesome car :) Its also in the classifieds section - shameless and probably against the rules plug :)
Aug 7, 1:11am
Wilkinson Trading, Penrose.nice people
Aug 7, 9:16am
used to be known as king of windbacks
Aug 7, 9:38am
go to real wholesale cars at59 Hamer St, Westhaven, Auckland Centralthey have opened a yard to sell to the public at cheap prices. i have nothing to do with the car yard but i have friends that have bought manycars off them. if you see a car you like at another yard,,, before you buy the vehicle check out real cars prices first. also do not pay the window price.don't be afraid to offer a lower price. my buddy got $1000 off one of his cars.most auckland car yards will give you A good deal,,times are tough and they need to shift stock.
Aug 7, 4:03pm
OP regardless of where you go to look theres certain tricks of the "trade" you should know to help you shop for a car. First of all before walking the yards its always good to have an idea of the price range of the make and model you are interested in. Trade me is as good a place as any to get an idea of price range. Second ask to see the auction sheet of the car if its a fresh import from Japan. The auction sheet tells you what grade from 0-5 it was purchased as 0 being an accident damaged car and 5 being immacculate (for a second hand car) nowadays (In MY opinion) anything below a grade 4 is nowadays a car thats had a far few dents and damage. I will qualify that by saying that a perfect car with high milage is often downgraded a full grade -so say a 150k mazda 3 can be a 3.5 3) have a look inside the oil filler cap -if its full of crud thats an indication it hasn't been serviced. 4)look at the salesman and ask if its ok to have the AA call in and do a pre purchase inspection. I DONT reccomend you actually get them to do an inspection but the salesmans reaction to the threat of the AA will tell you a lot about the yard. -incidently those one page "inspections" some dealers hang in their windows really aint worth the paper they are written on don't be fooled into thinking that is a full inspection 5) DO get a real pre purchase inspection done. 6)Theres an old saying. No matter how good your product is there will ALWAYSbe someone prepared to do it worse or cheaper. Im NOT for a second saying only buy the most expensive car because its bound to be good all Im saying is beyond a certtain point a car is cheap for a reason. Which if you follow the checks I'm suggesting will become self evident.
Aug 7, 4:31pm
A couple of other things I ran out of time for 1) on road costs.-These are costs that every car has in orderto be legally allowed to be driven on the road. Do check what (if any)on road costs the car yard expects you to pay.-the norm is $300 ish In my personal opinion the on road costs should ALWAYSbe included in the car price but this is just a heads up 2) This is a personal bugbear so please read it as entirely MY personal opinion. Some caryards are comfortable selling cars fitted with tyres called snow tyres. Theres a few reasons. Firstly it saves them 400-600 in getting propper tyres fitted secondsnow tyres LOOK like they have plenty of tread when they are legally worn out. (snow tyres must have at least 4mm of tread and all four tyres must be snow tyres to be legal-normal tyres can have as little as 1.5mm of tread) NO car should be sold to the public if fitted with slow tyres.They have greatly reduced grip on the road and wear at a lot faster rate than normal tyres.--Again please understand this is entirely my opinion
Aug 7, 6:40pm
oops--yea yea typo --that was SNOW not slow tyres
Aug 7, 7:59pm
Ezybuy have goodcheapcars, impeccable reputatation .
Aug 7, 8:10pm
Are you a comedian! What a stupid post!
Aug 7, 8:29pm
carzone in Whangaparaoa
Aug 7, 8:30pm
Trade Me have quite a few cars for sale (advertised) I think.
Aug 7, 9:00pm
id buy a car from you kaz if im ever in the market for a japper.
Aug 7, 11:51pm
Pretty funny to see car dealers bickering amongst themselves. Would you show your kids these posts.!
Aug 7, 11:53pm
Hi skyblue17, apparently I am you incase you haven't heard.
Aug 8, 1:10am
Dream on belky. I.m my own person. and some of your posts are crap
Aug 8, 1:54am
Great response there^.
Aug 8, 3:30am
talking to yourself is a sure sign of going crazy
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