PARTS WANTED!1965-66 pontiac

fivestar2010, Jul 23, 5:00am
wanted parts building to pontys 1965-66 laurentian, bonniville catalina etc, bonnet-boot few other bits and pieces anyone out there!

lookoutas, Jul 25, 2:03am
Jeez - ya didn't really get much help here did ya!

There are people in the US that can keep an eye out if you're prepared to wait. Even those that can have a serious look'e if you give the word and pay up.

whqqsh, Jul 25, 2:50am
are you the same person that asked some weeks ago!

dr.doolittle, Jul 25, 2:59am
Ebay ya putz.

dr.doolittle, Jul 25, 3:00am
Oh yeah a mates got heaps of bits no-one wants. going off to the scrappie tomorrow.

fivestar2010, Jul 26, 1:13am
or you can just ask around dr.doosh just had someone with a bonnet email me, thankgood im a putz and saved myself thousands aye!