Your opinions please. To avoid a whole heap of hassle n strife i came up with a sighn to put on auction vehicles it seperates th
Aug 19, 5:36pm
Good, but you'll still get dumbasses asking dumb questions.
Aug 19, 5:46pm
Good idea kaz'. You, me and 90% of people on here will understand it but.- .You'll get plenty of halfwits asking "If it's on TM why have you got it on your yard!" or "If it's on your yard why do i have to go through TM to buy it!"
I think it'll draw out the ones that umm.shall we say 'left school too early'.
Aug 19, 5:59pm
I hate customers too.
They're such an impediment to the smooth operation I'm trying to run.
Aug 19, 7:06pm
I wouldn't be surprised if you got a nasty C&D letter from Trade Me's lawyers for using their logo :-(
Aug 19, 7:10pm
i becha 1x chocky fish I don't.--GIANT chocky fish with the strawberry filling and the extra wide stripes of choc. =GWAN take the bet. I ran it past TMthen showed them the picture. The veiw is that its meatspace advertising promoting a TM product
Aug 19, 7:11pm
>>>>> This Vehicle <<<<< >>> Is Currently Listed <<< >>>>>> >> On << <<<<<< >>>>> TRADEME.Co.Nz <<<
Aug 19, 7:13pm
Agreed . or re-did the last class a few too many times
Aug 19, 7:15pm
In that case, I'd put a link to the ad on it using a tinyurl.
And a QR code wouldn't be a bad idea either, seem to be becoming popular as mobile phones etc can read them with camera and go to the link - generator here:
Aug 19, 7:15pm
>>> Currently Listed <<< >>>>>> >> On << <<<<<< >>> TRADEME.Co.Nz <<<
Aug 19, 8:42pm
^^^^^^^^I'm in the office^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^behind you if you^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^don't understand^^^^^^^
^^^^^^^^NO!^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^behind you if you^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^jeeezzzusss^^^^^^^^
Aug 19, 9:47pm
whats your best price buy now though! and will you do a part swap for my crxwith 20" mags, mean az soundz and big bore! its the biggest. i actually used a milo tin for the tip. even got it professionally chromed.
Aug 20, 12:32am
>>> Currently Listed <<< >>>>>> >> On << <<<<<< >>> TRADEME.Co.Nz <<< >>> auction no. ***** <<<
Aug 20, 2:05am
Maybe a sticker (removable) that you can put the auction number on, Kaz!
New sticker for every car - and you ca reuse the sign.
Aug 20, 2:08am
Might be easier to just put an idiot safe/child safe lock on the gate to the yard.
Aug 20, 2:10am
Perhaps have a sleeve on there which you can print off the auction number and slip it into. That way it will look professional rather than a whiteboard maker and you can re-use the sign.
Aug 20, 2:11am
And I also think it is a good idea to have a computer in your foyer where the customer can go onto trademe to look at the vehicle. It might give them the ability to go straight on and hit Buy Now
Aug 20, 2:14am
OK, I'll be one of the 10% shall I!."I've got cash burning a hole in my pocket and I'm looking to buy a car today but I see this car on your yard has got some sign about being a trademe auction.Is it for sale or not!If not I'll go elsewhere."
Aug 20, 2:31am
There is a reason he is doing $1 reserve auctions. He doesn't have to 'back' the car mechanically. Fair enough for tradeins and the like.
Aug 20, 2:32am
As above.
Oct 11, 12:48pm
Sorry mate but as trouser said I CAN'T just sell a trade me car dirrect or I all the legal obligations are back in place.
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