Sidecar fitting to motorcycle in auckland

jsc1, Aug 22, 4:23am
Does anyone know who can fit sidecars to motorcycles in auckland please!

kcf, Aug 25, 3:42am
my best thought, is that since a sidecar will need LVV certification, and very few LVV certifiers do motorbikes.Ring LVV and ask them for details of the LVV cert guy(s) who can do bikes in Auckland, and they will know who does good sidecar conversions that will go easily through the cert process.

Hope that helps

kazbanz, Aug 25, 7:21pm
Call Alex Gee. He's the guy who does the LVV certs for bikes,trikes and sidecars anyways . He will know who and how etc with a chair setup.
He's based in West Harbour.