When ordering parts .

floscey, Aug 13, 5:58pm
Do you rely on Carjam to give the parts guy the information or do you look under the bonnet and get the info off the tags!

gmphil, Aug 13, 6:50pm
Of the tags ,fridays child only needs to key in one wrong digit

floscey, Aug 13, 7:08pm
just noticed a lot of mistakes on Carjam and "unknown" or "covered" entered in the details. Surely when they vin a car they should have to enter something , sure will make doin a P & P easy.

morrisman1, Aug 13, 7:14pm
It pisses me off sometimes, they ask whats the registration number of the car! I explain that the part wasnt original to that car but they still want the rego number. Fat lot of use to them.

And what is it with dealers not having knowledge of the cars they are meant to specialize in! I got asked if a car was auto or manual when they only ever were produced in manual for the spec level I had given them. They had asked me for the registration number of course too

bigfatmat1, Aug 13, 7:31pm
I hate trying to find parts from dealerships for stationary motors in compressors pumps ect and they ask for the chassis no quite often they ask more than once! Thus already explained that it is not in a car

carclan, Aug 13, 7:37pm
I have found BMW and Mercedes dealers the best as far as part supply and knowledge goes.

jason_247, Aug 13, 8:34pm
double edged sword

heaps of people go into SCA and repco with a rego number and nothing else and get pissed off when the part cant be found off the reg

not every car has details online

If you dont know the year or engine size or even fuel type you should be shot