Stolen. R32 skyline gts25 reg xg8488dark grey with roh blade wheels stolen tonight from grantham st hamilton any information wou
Sep 17, 3:31am
R32 Skyline GTS25 reg XG8488.Dark Grey with ROH Blade wheels.
Stolen tonight from Grantham St Hamilton.\
Any information would be much appreciated.
Sep 17, 3:35am
well you should have had a gps tracker fitted then you would already know where it is now
Sep 17, 3:44am
Just rub their nose in it.
Sep 17, 3:52am
Is that the answer to everything stolen in NZ now, gps tracker!Good idea for sure though but hey not everyone has got one. Give it time and it will an insurance thing.
Sep 17, 4:11am
hope you get it back OP if you find it b4 the coppers take your bat Im sure you will know what to do with it
Sep 17, 4:13am
Are all your vehicles fitted with a gps tracker! Why should the need be there to have one fitted! In a perfect world the scumbags wouldn't steal.yeah right.
Sep 17, 4:21am
Sorry to hear OP, hopefully you recover the Skyline in good condition!
I hope the thief/thieves are caught and severely dealt with. then handed over to the police. Effing scum!
Sep 17, 4:26am
But they never are dealt with that harshly. Unless its money you steal, thats has a higher price than a life.
Sep 17, 4:32am
Insurance should be everyone's number one, not gps tracking
Sep 17, 5:00am
You are quite right, insurance is a regretful necessity, but in saying that, after deducting fees, mucking about and all the drama with insurance, you never really get properly compensated for your loss. Its better than dipping out, but sometimes you end up loosing more than just the monetary value of the vehicle.
I'm not sure what point I am trying to make - if any - but either way I sure hope the OP gets their car back in as best a condition as can be hoped for. Good luck!
Sep 17, 1:49pm
how does that stop the car being stolen!
Sep 17, 1:51pm
car thieves should be severly punished, as with all thieves.
Sep 17, 3:05pm
Nor insurance or gps tracking will stop it getting stolen, though with them you will likely see the return of the car or money to somewhat get back on the road.
Sep 17, 3:08pm
Agree but this doesnt happen and you cant change that. Last year I had 3 vehicles stolen. One got 80 hours PD, one got nothing, one got home D.
Sep 17, 3:38pm
A couple of guys tried to steal my comodore a few years back one of them got a bite from a police dog ( I gave the dog a steak) Me and a couple of mates caught them 7 months later not gunna tell you what happened to them but they wont try stealing another car again
Sep 17, 3:41pm
proper justice well done
Sep 17, 8:12pm
car was found this morning, missing its wheels, stereo and everything else in the car.
so if anyone gets offered some 17" ROH blades in 4x114 pattern let me know and i will "investigate"
Cheers guys
Sep 17, 8:14pm
Cool at least you got it back make it more secure or dont park it on the road
Sep 25, 9:47am
No, this painting does not tell all about the astrit, but it tells a lot about the self-projection of Jonathan Jones. Really, as a painter, you can't buy into the self-contradictory stuff he writes. Ce9zanne has changed a benign view he feared might be picturesque into an almost apocalyptic spectacle . It takes a lot of personal drama to mistake blue skies reflecting on a perfectly still lake, with nature being flooded by sun, for a storm. And, as a matter of fact, Cezanne did not sneer at the view. He sneered at the empty and transient beauty viewers would normally take out of it. So, he did it differently, in his own way, the secret of which Mr Jones does not seem to want to really understand.
Sep 26, 12:31pm
Hi Dave,First, thanks for all the great adivce, I enjoy reading all of your updates. We are in preproduction to add video to my blog so I am exploring all avenues AND learning a lot from you.It seems I am missing something very obvious here, but better to ask I am uncertain about the URL requirement for Bitgravity. If the video is in my computer, and I don't want to put it on another site like YouTube, where am I grabbing the URL?
Sep 28, 10:01am
chandish Dave,Here's a subject I do not think you have ever arceoaphpd.MakeUp for video production. I am sure the majority of your clients are men and as we are not brought up wearing makeup, despite the necessity of it in film, video and news production because we have been brought in a culture that emphasizes attractiveness, I think your thoughts on this subject would be valuable.
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