If I found some old ditched number plates (from de-reged cars) and aquired some letters off them to change my normal plate can I then register a new plate for myself! I'm not keen to pay $800 for a personalised plate I just need to change 3 characters (per plate) to make a new idea. is this possible!
Sep 16, 4:39pm
haha yeah right!
Sep 16, 4:55pm
Wondering how you would "acquire the letters off them"!
Sep 16, 6:08pm
LMAO . he's a trier for sure, that one .
Umm Uh . NO
A number plate it a legal document & as such can only be authorized by the govt & issued directly through the relevant laws via other companys
To create your own is FRAUD
Sep 16, 6:47pm
The $800 isn't the cost of making the plate, it's basically just a big fee that goes to the ACC and such. Making your own plate is simply illegal.
Sep 16, 6:53pm
i dont know about that , i did hear the guy got off in court for making his own licens plate and lables up, I did miss it on tv a few weeks ago think he is with the free-man on the land movement.
That's more some kind of loophole/dodge than anything.
e.g. I used to work at motor reg. Car dealers at the time were getting magnetic-sign versions of their dealer plates, so they could slap them on any car being taken for a test drive. They were made to not use them - as they were not the officially manufactured plate.
Sep 16, 7:05pm
my naigbour has not paid landrates since over 5 years. i think the loophole is that the actual law- or legislations ar based on deception just like mr robert monard discribed in the magnificent deception. You cant just not pay things but you can ask why and where does it say so that you have to pay and there is where they are stuck they cant say here is where it is its all based on everyone blind accepting there rules and laws= binding contract once you pay or say yes they got you.
Sep 16, 7:07pm
here is the deception this is not a demand its a invitation. and once you accept this invitation Whammm they got you. The judge, however, made it clear to Pawley that he still had to register his vehicle and pay for a warrant of fitness by someone authorised by the agency.
Sep 16, 7:15pm
intrade not sure what you're on about.
The case was thrown out because of lack of evidence. i.e. the crown/police took it too lightly and showed up unprepared, and/or, actually brought the wrong charge against him. There is no offer/acceptance situation.
Sep 16, 7:19pm
Of course you can, but you must use regulation cellotape to join the letters up.
Sep 16, 7:21pm
yes strangely enough every free man who was in court got dismissed there will be more to come. and yes you are right its hard to understand how it works as free man its all giberish to me what you have to write and say. not one free man has been charged in court and robert monards movies show the same thing they try with deception to get you.
Sep 16, 7:26pm
i am just interested in all this its to mutch effort for me to write 100, tousends of letters all the time to not be part of the rules and regulation System, but i definetly am highly interested . have you whatched the magnificent diception movie! it gives a idea of how it works but i cant understand it its like lawyersjargon. but the basis is understandable . you are a number unless you choose not to be that number and you got to tell em all the time your not the number they wish you to be.
Sep 16, 7:27pm
im not talking about a dodgy thing here i just want to change 3 letters on my current plate to make a clever personalised plate and register it to the car. thats exactly what plates.co.nz do except charge you $800 for your own idea. Tigra = car yards that have de-reged plates. not talking logistics here just wanting to know if its possible to make your own plate and register it to the car rather than having to pay someone else to do it.
Sep 16, 7:32pm
you probably have to do more reasearch, you probably can if the plate is within the rules and regulation to register. Like i did read somwhere the new numberplates are withsome sparkel so the flashlights can get your numberplate correct when they take a picture for speeding.So if you can get this then there is the other problem of the registrar who is controlled by whom to find out its all about money you probably spend more then 800$ to bypass them by there own rules in the end.
Sep 16, 7:35pm
"plates.co.nz " are under very tight govt regulation control regarding ALL aspects of that business. * ** Technically, even repainting an old black & silver plate to original colors or touching up the black letters on the new plates is illegal Technically, . ANY alteration from the original design spec's including trimming/ bending/ drilling new holes/ colors etcfrom OEM
Sep 16, 7:38pm
for example my ex naigbour has a personalised numberplate and its of poor quality , i guess the making of the plate wont be your problem its how to bypass the agents who want 800$ because they are the contractor for the registrar. maybe there is more then 1 who can do changes to this system , I would say if you prepaired a case in court you probably could register your own plate bypassing the agency who wants to milk you, but at what cost.
Sep 16, 7:39pm
Intrade for once I'm not TRYING to be rude to you, but, what the hell are you talking about!
The question here is can you manufacture your own plate! The answer is no, not legally. Giving any other answer is just going to needlessly confuse.
As it says in the linked document, the legislation you are citing is revoked.
Sep 16, 7:55pm
you cant make your own plate with different numbers and you cant make your own plate with the exact same numbers. Unless you got machines who can make the plate a exact copy , so in other words as above the short answer is No for people oprating within "there System "
Sep 16, 8:08pm
ok cool thanks for the response just have to stick with the same old boring plate!
Sep 16, 10:50pm
Just make your own plate - when they catch you and put you in clink, then you can make everyone's plates.
Sep 17, 2:50am
How does that work when you can't issue a WOF to a vehicle that doesn't have a live NZ registration!
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