Anyone used Jack Lilley Motorcycles in the UK for parts. Ordered some parts last Friday and they arrived today. Amazing service and communication. Miles cheaper than agents here, EG lower triple clamp here was $755 for my bike. From Jack Lilley roughly $352 depending on exchange rate.
Sep 28, 3:43am
How much was shipping!
Sep 28, 4:28am
I ordered a few bits apart from the clamp and shipping was 35 quid
Sep 28, 5:01pm
were did you get the price $755 from !
Sep 28, 6:38pm
AMPS and Holeshot
Sep 28, 10:32pm
I know an old British bike restorer and he gets all sorts of new a reproduction parts from the UK.
Prices in NZ for many things are excessive and will be undermined by internet trading.
Sep 29, 1:31am
Not much different really for me and my classic Brit car, easier and cheaper to get the parts in the UK (even with the shipping). I got quoted $165 for each C.V. joint locally or $330 each to renew/repair opposed to $100 for two NOS ones.
As a side note I wanted a Meriden Bonneville, but got a Hinckley one instead as it was cheaper lol.
Sep 29, 5:54am
Use google, shop for parts yourself.
Sep 29, 5:55am
Prices in NZ for many things are excessive and will be undermined by internet trading
People have set amount of dollars and need to make it go as far as they can,The prices here are insane and staff here that know nothing about products
Sep 29, 2:52pm
Vehicle parts in NZ are fairly daft - in other areas they are off the planet. Example: - I needed some printed circuit boards fabricated (30 pcs, no components, just the bare board). Sent my CAD file to 5 Chinese and one NZ supplier. The Chinese came back with qoutes between USD85 and USD120 (ie NZD 105.145) including freight. The NZ supplier wanted $1250 (+GST) We should stick to milk & sheep. I'm not even going to bother looking locally when I need bits for my Bonneville.
Sep 29, 3:21pm
Crikey. I've got an original real Thunderbird badge from my Tbird I had in the '60s. Maybe its worth something now. :)
Sep 29, 7:49pm
anyone who has brit bikes must use British motorcycle spares I think they are in wellington and classic motorcycle spares I think they might be in Nelson I might have them mixed up but go through the internet they are the only people to use there might be a shop in tauranga these guys specialize in britt classicsbut dont buy from Auckland they are usless and will mark up prises.I may have a 79 Bonnie for sale soon I may have to fund my sons speedway racing if we dont get more sponsors.
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