Valeo clutch parts

supernova2, Oct 30, 3:31pm
Hi all.Anyone got a nz source of Valeo Clutch Hydraulic parts.I'm after a master cylinder - Valeo 80465.Apparently its also a fiat part 7700431845.Any suggestions appreciated.

intrade, Oct 30, 3:38pm
fiat parts ring euro italian car parts ltd north shore auckland.

thunderbolt, Oct 30, 3:40pm
Sterling Brak and Clutch Onehunga carry Valeo i think.

intrade, Oct 30, 3:44pm

supernova2, Oct 30, 3:53pm
Almost - a scenic RX4.Was hoping might get the bit in NZ but have found a few in europe/ebay etc.Will try renault but dont think my brain can cope with the huge number of digits their price is likely to contain.Will also check out the fiat people above.Taall.

intrade, Oct 30, 3:57pm
ring renault for a price and then fiat guy. i posted about my traffic renault on a other thread they should all have taken there dealership license away them main renault dealer. If i could speake french i shure as hell would get them all sacked would write complaints to renault france and get customers to sign and send em video proof . but i hate french as a language and cant speake it.

supernova2, Nov 1, 12:23am
Got the price from Renault $416 ex france of course.Direct out of Europe (link above) is about $220.So assuming Renault NZ dont pay any more than $220 to buy it in thats not a bad profit for 10secs on a computer.
The Slave cylinder is an even bigger joke.Renault $939.Ebay $150.

No wonder NZ business are going down the gurgler.

intrade, Nov 1, 12:26am
did you ring ento from fiatGavin Dysart!

intrade, Nov 1, 12:36am
you also know you can repair cilinders if they are not pitted with new rubbers , i done loads get the parts from owens suspension whangarei and he orders it from auckland somwhere few bux each seal.

supernova2, Nov 1, 2:03am
Going to have a look at reseal but the master is a plastic item and net shows they distort rather than wear.
Just a thought Intrade do you have a contact in Europe that might be able to source a new master cylinder over there!

Looks like there are a few internet sites in Europe which list the bits but they are in languages that I dont understand.

intrade, Nov 1, 2:23am
well i got my vather in switzerland at the moment ,dont know what it would cost but i went to a local renault agent there and got me the heater tap shut-off valve 85$ nz for my traffic renault they had it on the shelf small outlet but have parts, not like these loosers here who should not even operate a renault dealership. i dont speake french only german