Cycling in Auckland is FUN!

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trogedon, Dec 16, 10:41pm
Its the yelling I love. I got to yell at a bunch of idiot school girls who walked in front of me on Tamaki Drive. Like, you know, there's never going to be cyclists there.
I also got to yell at a taxi driver who openned his door in front of me (ok, so I was a car length away and going up Hobson street. I should find out what the Hindi word for idiot is. A bunch of people up the road gave me some encouragement for my outburst. Nice.

msigg, Dec 16, 10:49pm
Part time New Zealander

trogedon, Dec 16, 10:58pm
He probably was. Just driving a taxi in Auckland until his visa for Aussie is sorted.

dr.doolittle, Dec 16, 11:04pm
One of my favorites is the pedestrians who step out in front of you on the crossing when you're 5-10m away & expect you to stop.
Never mind that you're well within the painted diamond & travelling at 30+kph.
To add insult they abuse you for swerving to avoid them.

andrea_w, Dec 16, 11:27pm
I know what you mean trodedon. I've just bought myself another bike, riding on the road a fair bit to get my fitness back up before I take it off road. I've already come across a number of complete and utter muppets! I'm just glad my bike has a really good set of hydraulic brakes on it - stops on a dime!

trogedon, Dec 17, 12:00am
Yep, the world revolves around them.

trogedon, Dec 17, 12:02am
Muppets would be alright - they're soft. MTB disc brakes are amazing now. So well designed to stop what is a light bike and (hopefully reasonably light) rider.

msigg, Dec 17, 12:04am
dr.doolittle, yea you are correct, not many of the pedestrians around nowdays know about that old rule, hence they get run over.

floscey, Dec 17, 12:26am
a few temporary ones go from howick to whitford and like to ridetwo wide on the open road .Cant they do the talking thing at the Cafe .

wind.turbine, Dec 17, 12:40am
IMO people getting killed while cycling are probably their own fault.
the amount of people that rind on SH1 that have a big shoulder to rind on chose to ride right on the edge of the mail lane when you have all that room.
all it would take is a truck to go past and the wind suck you in and bam the truck drivers gets sent to court for killing you.
if they would be a bit more aware and diver right on the side then there would be no one getting killed and drivers would not need to worry every time they try to pass a Cyclist that if they hit him then they are the ones in trouble.
its just my opinion.

dr.doolittle, Dec 17, 12:42am
Whew! for that.

carstauranga001, Dec 17, 12:43am
Spoken like a true non cyclist. I take it you've not riden on the road. Try it, your view will change for sure.

lombax, Dec 17, 1:22am
and what does it take to be a true cyclist! arrogance!.i see group cyclist taking up nearly half the lane out of two! do cyclists have rules! if they do is that allowed!

patiki1, Dec 17, 1:24am
Any male that shaves his legs and wears tight shorts deserves a door opening on them

trogedon, Dec 17, 1:34am
That's me. Are you offering to let me in big boy!!

dr.doolittle, Dec 17, 1:43am
Of course she is, A girl called Chris from West Auckland that drives an orange thing with a body kit of plastic. She's probably got a tattoo or two to show you.

studio1, Dec 17, 3:50am
Cyclists in Auckland need to go back to school and learn what RED LIGHTS mean.
Just like all other road users, they mean you STOP.
They don't mean "Ride straight on through like the lights aren't even there" nor do they mean "mount the footpath and ride across the pedestrian crossing" to avoid them.

doomy999, Dec 17, 4:31am
sold my bike.
Car vs Bike, I know who's going to come of best regardless of who is in the right.
I decided to leave the road to cars.

rsr72, Dec 17, 4:20pm
#1- Lucky you survived Tamaki Drive, this time.
As for next time,.

trogedon, Dec 17, 5:51pm
Its not what it used to be. The council have installed a set of lights at the first set of public toilets and cobblestone low speedbumps in places. Still a nice place to ride but harder to maintain a decent high speed now.

rsr72, Dec 17, 6:06pm
The lights have been there for years, the cobblestone strips are quite meaningless, and the 'speed' bumps are easily taken without slowing down.
The council sandal-wearing nutcases are just wasting hardworking ratepayer's money with all that anti-car nonsense

elect70, Dec 17, 8:38pm
Like watching TG other night & Hammond trying tobeatJC May & stigacross london toairport. Lots ofbleeped outlanguage, still he beat the rest of them . . Bike couriers arebest forurgentstuff around town .

beil, Dec 21, 8:20pm
Yeh, and all other road users stop at red lights, dont they.
Just like 'other road users' theres always a percentage that flaunt the law so dont steroe type cyclists, I ride and I know heaps of others that ride and they dont: ride 2 abreast, ride in the middle of the road, run red lights etc etc

footplate1, Dec 21, 8:50pm
REgular occurrence on Tamaki Drive.The crossing by Cafe on Kohi is one of the worst for this idiot pedestrian behaviour;

patiki1, Dec 21, 9:00pm
Ask Dr Poolittle,he's into that sh@t.