I recently bought a bike from Costa who initially was very quick and helpful with emails when I was inquiring about purchasing. Once I had bought and received a bike via shipping to Auckland I found faults with the suspension that should have been discovered earlier, so I emailed him expecting to have any work needing to be carried out refunded. All he did was try to dismiss the claim saying only parts would be covered & he didn't cover labour not performed at his workshop (this fact was never mentioned during my lengthy purchasing period). After expressing my low opinions on this he offered to help out slightly more with the cost but since having the work done I am yet to hear back from him regarding the $300 bill to repair what should have been a near perfect bike. through the whole process he seemed more interested in getting things fixed as rough and cheaply as possible rather than exceeding or even meeting expectations. I would encourage people to steer clear of his business given the low standard of workmanship he is happy to endorse.
Oct 21, 4:06am
By law, you need to give him opportunity to repair first. He didn't legally have to pay anything for repairs that you carried out without taking it to him prior. Sounds like he has gone above and beyond to help out when you got it fixed somewhere else, that's actually a sign of a good business.
Oct 21, 1:02pm
its only $300 , lesson learnt, now dish the guy so everyone knows.
Oct 21, 2:11pm
Digger-Go back to the company that did the pre purchase inspection for you. Im sure they will help out. Incidently EXACTLY what major suspension work did you have carried out for $300 ? A fork seal maybe ? Suspension set up--ie fork oil change/respring?
Oct 21, 2:23pm
What model, year. kms ? is this motorcycle that should be near perfect ? How was it described to you before purchase ?
Oct 21, 4:13pm
Equally--what price did you pay compared to others of the same model available?
Oct 21, 6:04pm
isn't that irrelevant if its described as being good condition or not needing work etc, what does it matter how others are priced?
Oct 21, 7:01pm
its a $15000 bike then that's one thing. If its a $3000 20 year old bike that's something different. --If OP paid half the price of retail.
Oct 27, 4:53pm
With being a motorcycle dealer the bike should not have left his shop with a suspension fault - period ! Invoice him for your wasted time, does not pay lawyer up and use baycorp ! Small claims court.
Oct 27, 6:23pm
mals--that is actually assuming it actually IS a suspension FAULT. Unlike a car suspension SETUP makes a huge difference to a bike. A bike setup for a 50kg midget on smooth roads is totally different to the setup for a 90kg kiwi bloke using our backroads. The front end on two of my bikes worked fine from a legal pr4ospective. I still spent over $1500 on them getting them rebuilt to my needs. different shim stacks,different oil vscocity and quantity etc. Also keep in mind that if its a simple blown fork seal/seals that could easily have happened whilst strapped in the back of a transporter.
Oct 28, 8:08pm
seriously? So if it's cheap an item doesn't have to be as described? What a pile of shit. Any item sold should be as described and getting it for less than retail or its worth is not an excuse for this not happening.
Oct 28, 9:00pm
You are missing the point entirely. with a MOTORCYCLE the suspension may be perfectly legal but not sufficiently up to spec to use for spirited riding.Fit for purpose ?A bike is to be fit to be ridden at open road speed -100km/h. A $3000 you expect that the suspension will need servicing to be used beyond open road speed . a $30000 bike on the other hand you wouldn't Suspension performance is not an objective thing with bikes.
Also please note the OP has failed to come back with the "failure" of the suspension.
Oct 29, 1:21am
Yeah cob know all about bike suspension, first thing I do is set up the sag rate when get a new one. Yeah good point , I jumped the gun a bit. The main guys that transport bikes should be pretty good if he used one. Need more details ! (hold off on the lawyer looollloll)
Oct 29, 1:27am
Tying a bike down too hard with tie downs can blow fork seals, so bike could of been fine when it left the shop.
Oct 29, 4:09am
Just seen this post and we are the service agent for Motorcycle Imports Direct, all of the bike sold by Costa are serviced by us. However we do not touch the suspension unless there is a fault and I have been informed of the fault you have with the bike, we would not of checked the clickers on the forks as that's not something we would adjust as it's generally something the owner would play with. I believe this would be an issue from the factory. So before you start throwing stones you should probably share the facts of what is actually wrong with the bike.
Oct 29, 2:49pm
This is interesting from my POV. On what basis is a motorcycles suspension not "fit for purpose" ? It then comes down to the intended purpose. if the bike is a road bike then how can an owner then have issue with the performance of the suspension at any speed above 100km/h? Equallly if the suspension performs in a legal manner for WOF tested how can there be a legal claim? I can imagine someone going to MVDT with (say) his Hyabusa. Yes your honour when riding across desert highway at 180km/h the front suspension of my bike has a harsh feel and the front end wobbles. I believe the definition of 'offroad" also includes closed circuit so even if mr Busa owner said they were on the back straight of the minefield (manfeild ) and had issues at 180km/h then there would be no claim. And again theres the simple fact that suspension in bikes is not a science more an art. What feels great for one rider will feel terrible to another. heck even the same rider on a different day may want different suspension.
Oct 29, 9:11pm
agree, to find out what is perceived as 'wrong' is the key to this whole thread, until then as said before it's just a stone throwing exercise which could have side effects if someone feels their business & reputation is being affected adversely
Dec 16, 2:30am
So, digger has a problem with the suspension on bike bought unseen, untested. Seller would only help with parts. Workshop who serviced bike for seller says the suspension was not faulty, and imply the problem is with the adjustment system which they wouldn't test and is not a road fitness issue. Then suggests digger tell us exactly what the complaint is. But digger goes quiet. Unless digger backs up his claim this thread Is defamatory and should be removed in fairness to dealer. IMO.
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