Parts professionals need intuitive phone skills

intrade, Dec 12, 8:24pm

intrade, Dec 12, 8:25pm
Me: ???Wholesale Parts and Service, this is Mark???

Caller: ??? Yes, do you have ??

dublo, Dec 12, 9:26pm
I wonder if Mark has any hair left? I would have torn all of mine out by the end of the second conversation. It sounds like being a parts dept worker would be a good job if you didn't have to deal with any customers.

poppy62, Dec 12, 9:35pm
Especially when the person on the other end only speaks an otherworld form of English. After decades of answering the phone, I perfected Asian- English and was/am able to converse quite well, although my Mrs thought I was just taking the pi$$ .

richardmayes, Dec 13, 6:47am
If one of our customers says "jump" I ask "How high, Sir?"

We keep getting a bit bigger year after year after year, so that must be the right answer. ?

bigmuz1, Dec 13, 9:07pm
at least parts departments now have carjam so don't have to rely on the customer knowing the submodel (or even year) of their vehicle.
Still the whole left and right thing confuses plenty of customers ( " when you said Left hand Headlight, were you standing in front of the car looking at it" as you realize you've got the wrong side!)

ema1, Dec 14, 3:59am
When I was in the motor trade years ago our parts dept and the guys on the w/shop floor were instructed to refer to drivers side and passenger side of the vehicle when ordering "handed" parts, that is more definitive for sure.
The odd occasion when working on a LHD vehicle we would state that it is LHD and still use the drivers side or passenger side plus LHD to eliminate any doubt as much as humanly possible.
It worked just fine for us and our customers.

mm12345, Dec 14, 4:34am

ema1, Dec 14, 5:55am
Would appear the Christchurch Wizard doesn't know whether he's coming or going, I've seen that car too, a real hard case thing to see on the move.
Correct . no he wasn't a customer, I think that was created after my term in the motor trade.
Dr Doolittle comes to mind "Push Me Pull You? "

intrade, Dec 14, 6:27am
G Truglia Interview: Increasing consumer awareness of our skills and professionalism

bjmh, Dec 14, 4:28pm
my morning thus far. after the customer travelling 80km to get here from the boondocks,i rip the left suspension apart ,bottom arm out. to find the wrong arm. my fault for not looking at the start. ring the parts guys,aww we only do a bush for that model,not a complete arm. so put vehicle back together so customer can get home and resource correct part,from a different supplier. get a bollocking from the customer regarding how hard it is to organise the repair,bite my tongue and rebook vehicle for later in the week.

intrade, Dec 14, 4:57pm
i had the opposite 10 am apointment its almost 11 no one showed up so i ring him and ask if something unexpected has come up as he missed his 10 am appointment. ? oh $h. t i forgot completly i reply no problem no rush to bring it . He is just up the road anyhow.
customer is usually on time or max 5 minutes late . He apologised about 10 times .
i also have other clients whom seem to think i charge to much, asked me what i charge per h now , i said i dont charge per h to you , i must tell him i charge extra the more somone bitches that they got no money.
the Rich always complain they have no money .
so the higher the next bill will be extra bitching listening charge .
As i dont mind if they go elsewhere.
somone complains they are poor its 2 times the normal charge instantly my rich alarm bell starts ringing ding. dingding.
somone whom is poor for real dont tells you that they tell you they need time to have the money togather for the expensive jobs , and they never bitch its only the rich whom bitch how much it costs and how poor they are.

floscey, Dec 14, 5:26pm
I add $5-$10 extra on prices when i quote parts to Indians and some others. They always ask for special price , so i take $5 to $10 dollars off to keep them happy. I had to put a young guy in his place . He said rudely shouted "GIVE me a discount" no please or thankyou. So i had to ask him "didnt your Mother teach you any manners?" It was worth the $5 bucks off i gave him , to hear him sheepishly ask " Please may i have a discount".

bjmh, Dec 15, 12:46pm
customer this morn. "I need a towball". "ok theres 1''7/8 and 50 mm" . wander out to the car and spy no towbar. "err you need a towbar". customer looks at me like I'm retarded. "yer I NEED a tow ball". gonna be a long few days !

intrade, Dec 15, 1:03pm
*14 you better explain that he needs a computer with the towball if it has can data bus and stability controll . i have to do the wiring whom the tow team morons of whangarei just shorted out the can bus with a plug for led trailer lights, and in the instructions of the box for led light it states in clear english not for can bus.
it needs a computer module plugs in to the rear intigration module on the 2003 mercedes.

bjmh, Dec 15, 4:53pm
intrade . holden cruze . factory towbar $466 . factory wiring loom $260 plus gst

hamhonda, Jun 11, 2:06pm
Speaking of towbars, I had customer ring me 1pm christmas eve
Cust. "Have you got a towbar for my 96 Honda CRV?"
Me "No sorry, but I can try to track one down for you if you're stuck"
Cust. "Why haven't you got one?! How the f@ck am I going to tow my boat to the beach tomorrow?! "
Me "Sorry sir, didn't you realise that Christmas was on the 25th December this year?"