non driver here. i got one of these for my daughter. its got its got 2 things a key that you press to open the doors and another thing to turn the alarm off. im not used to these things a key and turn it and go was my lot. i seem to be doing something that flattens the battery ( i think ) turn the key and zilch ? was wanting it to be fine to give to my daughter tomorrow.
Dec 25, 12:01am
Is it manual or auto?
Dec 25, 12:06am
Dec 25, 12:09am
What colour is It? I will be easier to answer your question if we know.
Dec 25, 12:11am
white ?
Dec 25, 12:11am
Dec 25, 12:22am
yes !
Dec 25, 12:24am
i had a mobile mechanic come look over it, and take it for a run. he reckoned he couldnt fault it, so im assuming --------- its ME!
Dec 25, 12:36am
who said there is no god ? --------- the van is out in the open/ its pissing down with rain / and ive just burnt my tea. mmm!
Dec 25, 12:38am
You bought your daughter a car? Wow.
Dec 25, 12:44am
The key /button could be an imobilizer, make sure it's in park if auto, try a combination of key and button, should be more than one button.Good luck, ask neighbour for help, or AA.
Dec 25, 12:44am
she aint gonna think its very -- wow ! now !
Dec 25, 12:47am
manual .
Dec 25, 12:49am
what is the date on the battery? do you make sure the indicator is off? because you set the indicator often on vw for having the park light on on the side the indicator is engaged to, this would flatten the battery with 2 bulbs on permanently. that would be something you would do wrong to flatten the battery
Dec 25, 12:55am
the immobilizer chip and the alarm are 2 different things. door lock mudule faults are a source of waking up the computer after about 3 days constantly waking up the engine managmant computer the battery will be flat. i have to repair my door lock modules it also random self locks with that faulty cracked soldering joint on door modules .this is a knowen issue of mk4 golf etc so could also be the same modules fitted on vans of that years . the factory scanner shows it as unknowen intermittend door lock module low or high circuit fault. i got codes in both front doors like this on my vw thats the sort of factory code you get with factory scanner if there is a problem like this 00929 - Locking Module for Central Locking; Front Passenger Side (F221): Implausible Signal
Dec 25, 12:59am
the alarm gizzmo has 2 things you can press . jezzis ! one large and a smaller one . the smaller one makes a click when you press it . i did have trouble getting the alarm to stop when trying to start it this time.
Dec 25, 1:01am
alarm stops when you press button or when you start vehicle as the immobilizer ok signal ovveride the alarm sound
Dec 25, 1:05am
Put your foot on the clutch and start it (o:
Dec 25, 1:07am
its going ! yeah ! i went and pressed the small button that clicks , which i might have pressed the first time when trying to stop the alarm . then it went. i also had it on a charger , so im not sure which one was the problem ------ or both . god bring back the simple life , like my ji bedford.
Dec 25, 1:14am
how mutch keys do you have? you need at least 2 keys i think i got 3 for my vw
Dec 25, 1:33am
1 key + the alarm dodah ! apparently the smaller button i probably pressed in my fluster to stop the alarm, is to immobilise it. i emailed the mobile mechanic who i had got to check it out, and he was going to come and see what was wrong. i think i will keep him, you dont get many to volunteer to front on xmas eve in the pouring rain and dark.
Dec 25, 1:43am
why do you need 2/3 keys.
Dec 25, 2:16am
this is what the key looks like you should have with service manual this key is not cut the one you should have should be cut but it wont start the vehicle as its got no chip the above immo box used to disable the immobilizer and the engine will start with plastic key. i guess theives all own the immo box instructions say only for registetred locksmiss lol i got my one from years ago the immo box not the plastic key plastic key is emergency unlock key from vw in the manual book it should be look under steering wheel there most likely is a flap with the book and the obd2 port is there also
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