Importing Parts.

20498, Jun 3, 1:53am
Evening all.
Just wondering if you have to pay duty/tax on car parts.
Sorry I've tried to understand customs website but cant seem to understand it.
Thanks in advance!

pandai, Jun 3, 1:54am
Shouldn't have to if under ~$400. of if the amount of tax they could collect off it is $60 or higher.

20498, Jun 3, 1:55am
Does that also include the price of shipping or just the product/s. Cheers

skull, Jun 3, 1:59am
Total includes the freight.

tony9, Jun 3, 2:00am
It is based on the total price you pay, shipping plus product.

20498, Jun 3, 2:08am
Ok awesome so if I buy over $400 worth will I only owe GST or will there be another charge of some sort?

cabrio1, Jun 3, 2:09am
Some good deals out there.
I got a full cambelt kit delivered from the states for $129.
Same kit from Auckland was $330 plus gst plus shipping

lookoutas, Jun 3, 2:13am
Just remember, it's $400 NZ.

I have brought stuff in where the freight has taken it to a total of $450 NZ, but there was no GST on that.
Was I lucky, as I believed it to be the purchase price only?

lookoutas, Jun 3, 2:29am
Here it is.
I stuffed up, and the NZ value was $470
I paid GST on that of $70.50
Import Transaction Fee $25.44
GST on that $3.82
Biosecurity Levy $15.33
GST on that $2.30
Total $117.39

Nowhere did I pay GST on the freight. But, where I've kept the purchase to below $400 NZ, none of those above costs have applied.

tamarillo, Jun 3, 2:36am
Even over 400 they won't always ping you.

And you may be able to ask for the declaration to show less. though I'd never do that myself of course.

lookoutas, Jun 3, 2:59am
Me neither. that's a terrible thought!

intrade, Jun 3, 3:13am
i try to be inder 360$ remember its also the transport cost they ping you the total so if you buy something for 100$ and transport is 360$ courier then you pay for 460$ taxes

pico42, Jun 3, 3:27am
There is no duty on car parts.
But there is GST. And if the value of the GST is over a certain amount, it is worthwhile them collecting it. And if they collect it, you are also up for the other customs fees mentioned above.
The rough rule of thumb is if the value of the parts and the shipping together in $NZ is over $490, you will need to pay the GST + fees.

thunderbolt, Jun 3, 5:17am
Every time I tip over $400 I get pinged for fees and gst. Maybe FedEx acts on all parcels over $400NZD

cummingsra1, Jun 3, 3:55pm
The threshold is NZD400 including the cost of international freight and any insurance premium paid.
So, the correct rule of thumb is expect to pay when the value of the goods + shipping + insurance = NZD400. Then you will pay GST on the value of the goods + shipping + insurance (converted at Customs exchange rate) and an additional $46.89 Import Entry Transaction fee.
5% duty still applies to a small range of car parts, and if the 5% duty applies then the threshold (at which you will pay) is NZD289.14, not NZD400.

kazbanz, Jun 3, 4:00pm
Short version -YES

xs1100, Jun 4, 12:54am
according to 13 no

lookoutas, Jun 4, 1:03am
And that's according to the purchases that I've made, keeping the amount to below NZ$400. But at no time did the freight increase the total to over NZ$490.

Something to be aware of in the future.

pico42, Jun 4, 2:37am
I had fat fingers when I typed $490. It was meant to be $400.
I didn't even realise until reading your post.

morrisman1, Jun 4, 3:44am
I got a box with LSD in it through customs, was even labeled as such with its value. No opening or tax.

Limited slip diff in case anyone was wondering

lookoutas, Jun 4, 3:57am
OK - I have gone over $400 with freight added on a number of occasions, and got no GST.

skull, Jun 4, 4:03am
The $400 is rule of thumb, the tighter rule is if GST would equal or exceed $60, at that point they deem that it is worth the effort to collect it. They do not police it rigidly but the rule is there if they choose to use it.

20498, Jul 19, 12:21pm
Thank you for all the information. Much appreciated.