Whats best an auction or a classified?

luvfit, Apr 14, 4:21am
Not sure what to do here got this Fairlane i cant sell not sure why but anyway in your opinion whats better auction or classified?

bwg11, Apr 14, 4:25am
if you "can't sell" it must be too dear. If you "want to sell" or "must sell", then auction, with a realistic reserve.

cagivachick1, Apr 14, 4:38am

mals69, Apr 14, 4:59am
Just do a dollar auction and start a feeding frenzy - take photos where
you are selling the dream-lifestyle as much as the car - if goes to cheap
guess your mrs or a family member wants a Fairlane "Nudge nudge
wink wink say no more" :)

tamarillo, Apr 14, 2:58pm
I'll use classified when I'm realistic that there is a small buyers group around me, which is often case in Nelson with euro cars, and I am not desperate to sell and know price I want.
If I just want best price and think they'll be a few possible buyers auction.
I don't find auctions with high reserves work for cars personally.
For fair lane you gotta price it very well.

mike1345, Apr 14, 3:30pm
Classified for me. Can't be bothered getting into some bidding war.

tgray, Apr 14, 4:21pm
1. It's cheaper
2. you can sell anytime rather than waiting for an auction to finish
3. It means someone has to actually come over and look at it rather than having people bid without viewing and then not go through with it
4. You have control over the selling process with regards to price etc.
5. Auctions do not always achieve the true value of your car and you are still committed to sell it anyway.

msigg, Apr 14, 6:47pm
Yes classified, tell the truth/set a good price and answer all questions, list phone number etc, be helpful, list as is where is if no warrant etc. Price sells.

tony9, Apr 14, 6:53pm

Time and again an auction with a $1 WILL sell, at the market price. And quite often the market price is better than you may expect.

It is ALWAYS going to be the buyer that sets the real purchase price, you have no control over it if you are a committed seller.

unideck, Apr 15, 1:26am
Auction. Simple truth is people ask questions more. Classified gives up the email address which some don't like on initial contact. Saying that I hate selling cars and answering "stupid" questions like what does it to the tank etc - if its a super car, 4x4 bla bla bla then asking such a question means you can't afford the car in the first place!

Go auction, more fish on the line & at the end of the listing you can actually see who all the watcher/day dreamers are lol ;)

unideck, Apr 15, 1:28am
You forgot, they can't leave feedback either lol

luvfit, Apr 15, 1:33am
mmm I see well its 05 in great condition but high kms (415) I think is what put people off. Has new 19s, new year wof though i would have thought 5500 is a realistic price? Still not sure what to do its kind of 50/50

mals69, Apr 15, 2:30am
Its perfect $1 reserve material

tgray, Apr 15, 3:44am
OP, just remember, it's easy to give advise when it's somebody else's car.

mals69, Mar 11, 5:51pm
If you can offer finance somehow be the go too