Hi there. Was wondering in the motor world, what the pros and cons are of listing a vehicle as an "auction" or as "classified". Would appreciate some advice thanks
Aug 22, 9:17pm
Auction it if it's a popular car, in a busy city, that presents really well, to possibly get highest price. But only if you believe there will be a few genuinely interested cashed buyers. Or if it's rare/special and highly sought after. If you have a set figure and are in no hurry, classified for just a little more $. You'll either sell or work out you're dreaming. Or do this if your off the grid, or it's a less popular model, as it may be some time before a local buyer comes along. Or compromise. Start auction on absolute min you would take, then put a buy now at the most you'd expect possible. Elements of both here. There is no best way, it depends on where you are, what it is, what you want. I'm in Nelson so unless it was a cheap car that I just want gone I'd not do a $1 reserve. But in cities with popular cars it seems to work well. What doesn't seem to work is the auction starting really low and miles away from reserve. Best just start it at reserve IMO. If you're looking at selling tell us what and where.
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