The radio,cd in these is integrated {all in one} in apanel with a/c, heater etc what do you do if either the Cd or radio crap out Do you have to buy a new panel with radio/cd in or can a new radio/cd be somehow fitted in.Kazwould probably know Ta
Feb 27, 4:45pm
gazzat- Sorry matey I'm still trying to find the source of the aftermarket faceplates in Japan. They are available because jap import demio's come in with aftermarket radios. Its a process of elimination finding the manufacturer.
Feb 27, 4:47pm
Thanks Kaz Good Hunting. On a different topic .How accurate are the speedo readings on Jap imports.Have a nephew who spent 2 years teaching in Japan,speaks japanese and he said he would be suprised if there isnt some electronic way of "tweaking" them,then i remembered a auto sparky who told me of a guy with some programs on his laptop which he plugged in to cars computer and could change odo to whatever you liked , for a price. bit worrying when one sees some imports(quite a Few) with very low odo readings.My own car a 2005 has only got 60,000Genuine Ks when purchased in 2007 it had 27 but when i was working had my car and it hardly got used,even now" her indoors" goes out with Nbr 1 daughter a lot Cheers
Feb 27, 5:45pm
Kaz this listing could know where you might find mounting kits possibly worth a shot.850488212 jonvy82 be quick cheers
Feb 27, 7:25pm
Just had the same issue with my Vitz, the agent's and the audio people had a book with every facia panel for different makes, got my for $55. You also get a pocket to put below the radio and it looks like it was always that way now.
Feb 27, 8:38pm
do you mean speedo or odo readings? The speedo tends to read about 5% high on most cars.
Feb 28, 3:49am
No it was odo readings and you could "flick"to any reading you wished ie take 100,000kms of i,m sure if man makes it man can muck it up. Presumably these certifiers look for scratches or uneven tumblers or signs the speedo head has been taken out
Mar 1, 4:25pm
Actually to be honest mate the FIRST thing done is much simpler. Checking of service records and shaken records (rego/wof in simplistic terms) These records kinda like your WOF records on Carjam paint a pretty clear picture and for the same reason. A car showing 70 on the clock but shaken done at 120 is an instant no go -same with servicing. This right away confirms the odo HAS been tampered with. this is before any invasive methods are used
Mar 1, 8:53pm
Yep, but buying in or from the land of the rising sun is their something like carjam. most jappo or pommie etc dont seem to come with service/wof,mot records or theyre in a foreign language.i dont for a moment doubt your honesty but there a lot of other dealers out there.
Mar 8, 3:42pm
Let me and others know if you,re successful Kaz,must be a few owners of 2002-07 demios that would buy one.2007 onwards are available. but not 2002-07. CHeers
Mar 8, 4:03pm
Next trip over Im going to the actual dealership I know sold one Demio brand new. If they have records I may well be able to sort it
Mar 9, 2:42pm
hey Gazzat--heres something I wan't aware of.--eeepp The 02-07 demio WAS imported into NZ as the Mazda 2 That means that there must be second hand mazda 2 raios from wrecks somewhere in the world.
Mar 9, 7:38pm
Thanks i know a mazda wrecker in Otahuhu very well,will ask him and let you know if successful.Thanks Kaz
Mar 10, 4:04pm
Kaz #852477500 2002 nz new mazda 2 looks to be the same dash as dy 2002-2007, if 2007+ are available surely pre 2007 are ?will keeplooking.
Mar 10, 4:24pm
um matey--that's what I posted and you responded to
May 6, 9:54am
Sorry misread your post will keep looking>
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