Febest after-market parts

moltenfire, Sep 23, 12:31am
Is this a decent brand or is it cheap crap from a local massive place starting with 'C' ?

lookoutas, Sep 23, 12:45am
We avoid them like the plague. They never fit properly, and often require wasting time to make them fit.
For instance - you will get a tail light that the wiring plugs don't match, so you change the wiring and plug holders from the original and the plug holders won't fit in the holes. So the option is to ream the holes out, or swap the plugs over. But be careful, as the wiring colours don't match.
If you're lucky and the plugs do match, the wires can be in different positions.

A classic was a Commodore front bumper beam. Now it's completely hidden, so it doesn't matter how scungy it is - and it's only a . ;-)
But with one in each hand, it's quite obvious that the aftermarket one is markedly lighter.

moltenfire, Sep 23, 1:15am
Thanks, was talking about cv joints. Just worried might be inferior metals etc.

moltenfire, Sep 27, 6:28am
Not really what I asked!

wind.turbine, Apr 25, 1:17pm
when your talking mechanical parts, I would be sticking the main name brands.

Not worth the risk