Quite some time ago I came on here on behalf of a friend (a retired engineer) who has sheds full of spare parts, (both new and used), manuals and bits and pieces galore for different models of Studebaker. He hasn't been very well lately and is worried in case he "pops his clogs" and the spare parts get dumped and don't go to where they will be truly appreciated. From a previous post on here some very kind people advised of various people and organisations which he could approach. He wrote to folks and only one ever bothered writing back to him and in spite of promises to call and look the goods over this meeting never eventuated. So, here I go again on his behalf - he lives in Invercargill - is not looking for a fortune in payment - just wants to know that his store of top quality spare parts goes to a good home/museum or whatever. He appreciates that shipping to the North Island from Invercargill would probably run into big money so I suppose that ideally someone in the South Island would be a more viable proposition. He doesn't have a phone so sadly there is no way that anyone can phone him to discuss what he has stored at his place. Let's put it this way - you name it he more than likely has it! If anyone is genuinely interested I could probably arrange for a cellphone to be made available to him providing a date and time were prearranged for someone to call. So there it is folks - can anyone come up with any ideas? Thanks in advance and anticipation of a positive response.
Nov 23, 12:58am
No doubt that Trevor Halstead was one name that came up. (not positive on the spelling) Just corrected it He's in Hamilton, Rukahia.
Nov 23, 1:04am
What years do the spares cover ?. I can understand that he wants to find a good place for those Parts.
Nov 23, 1:19am
Have the vcc been asked?
Nov 23, 1:24am
I will ask call down and see him tomorrow and ask him then. Sorry I don't have a clue so will get back on here after I find out.
Nov 23, 1:28am
Excuse my female lack of knowlege but what does vcc stand for?
Scroll down to "Southland", and there you have all the contacts needed.
Please do not let his collection be dumped, priceless does not even begin to describe their value to a desperate owner.
Nov 23, 1:30am
Vintage car club .
Nov 23, 1:32am
You so right there. Even a rusted out part can be of great help , if only to show basic shape , so that a new one can be made , more so Body panels.
Nov 23, 1:50am
Gosh you folks are amazing - thank you for your valuable information. I will see my old mate tomorrow and pass all this on and then get back to you with more information in respect of his vast collection. I can assure you though that his gear is in mint condition. More to come .
Nov 23, 1:54am
As I said last time and dont know if it was tried but a person named John Everiss in Waikanae north of Wellington has a Studebaker museum and several Studebakers and parts. Maybe worth contacting him.
Nov 23, 2:26am
vintage car people are notoriously stingy, cloth caps and gorse in their pockets
Nov 23, 2:40am
Jack from the Tauranga vcc has a great collection of Studebakers that he has owned for years.
Nov 23, 2:47am
And you have no vices?
Nov 23, 5:57pm
Saw him this morning and he told me that the spares cover from the 1930's through to 1966 but that they consist largely of the mid-50's Studebaker Champion. To give you an idea of what he has got a small part of the collection includes: cam shafts, motor parts, gaskets, bumpers, fan belts, auto transmissions, stainless steel trims, gear boxes and cylinder heads. He also mentioned George ? in Christchurch who was to come south and look at his collection ages ago but never actually turned up. At age 79 and not keeping well he would dearly love to see this lot go to a good home where it would be utilised and not disposed of for scrap.
Nov 23, 6:34pm
With regard to post war Studebaker cars ( and other great designs). this guy is most interesting.
Also responsible for the iH International Harvester 'Man on a tractor' trademark. :)
Nov 23, 7:52pm
Hi Mary I presume you are talking about Walter McQ ? went to school with him. lived in same street. he always had many Studies. then. was a self taught welder. also my first car was a 32 Studebaker. pass on my regards Lou W
Nov 23, 10:12pm
Will do - he will be rapt to know you got in touch. If you are ever in town why don't you swing past and see him - he's still in the old family home in Dalrymple Street. He's quite concerned about all these bits and pieces being ultimately scrapped so here's hoping we can help him out. Cheers!
Nov 23, 10:49pm
Just talked to Trevor Halstead. He knew who was who, and will attempt to make contact.
Nov 23, 10:52pm
Nov 23, 11:17pm
You shouldn't prove it.
Nov 23, 11:22pm
There's a guy in Tweed street with a Champion and bit's for sale too, you can see it out the front sometimes.
Nov 23, 11:47pm
i had a vintage car that i was selling as part of a deceased estate, the other members of the vcc all knew of the car and knew it was for sale, some wanted to sift through the parts that went with the car and take what they wanted for free i eventually put a add in their newsletter stating if it wasnt sold it would be going in the next demolition derby at the local stockcar track, the car sold the night the newsletter came out for a reasonable price. there was another car sold before i got involved the club member took the car and many tools out of the old guys garage unfortunatly that couldnt be proved that he had taken them, a 3rd car i have stashed in my garage to be sold at some stage, so i have justification for my view on these old codgers
Nov 23, 11:54pm
Ray what are u doing to keep the old cars on the road? I suppose that you are taking advantage of the 40 year old rego prices? Who got that for you.?
Nov 24, 1:49am
that was awfully good of them, the last of the cars isnt on the road
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