Thanks for the previous advice about the battery, sorted. The car has now just reached about 103,000 on the clock, do anyone have a suggestion where I should take it? Back to the VW Wellington on Kent Terrace?
2004, 2.0 standard petrol auto sedan.
Jul 26, 1:25am
It's not imperative that you take it to a VW agent for a cambelt change. Although there are a few on here that will argue that the agent is the best place because of their specialised knowledge and tools. For me any competent Mechanical repair shop should be able to do this very routine type job efficiently. It may pay for you to get some quotes on costs if you're cost conscious, before deciding. Also "DO" price around for the Timing kit and water pump. Dealerships are notoriously OTT on pricing. A $200.00 water pump may be sourced elsewhere for around $65.00. Likewise the timing kit. If you want to find a competitive price (to a dealers) you can ask on here and I can check my contacts for you or at least point you in the right direction.
Jul 26, 4:10am
If this is the old non FSI 2.0 that I think it is, I agree (pretty sure the Bora never got the 2.0 FSI). The only thing to watch out for with a regular garage is that they use the genuine VW G13 coolant, if they don't have it, go and pick some up yourself from VW and take it with you. Other than that they are a super simple and straight forward change.
Make sure you get the waterpump and tensioners done, the waterpump is absolutely essential on those as the original pumps were made of a plastic inside that did not last. New plastic inner replacements are perfectly fine though as they now use a different plastic.
Best of luck with it.
Dec 19, 12:07pm
Agree Shop around for kit, prices vary. Just had my Bora done at Xmas, not at a dealer. I shopped around for the kit then talked to the garage. They sourced a kit about thirty dollars more than I had, but it was local so I went with that. The garage told me their suppliers had differing prices and they only got the near price match because they quoted the price I got off a TM listing. Do your homework and save Yes get correct coolant too
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