I know some of you morons dont remotly want to get what the real problem is. But let me explain anyhow. The problem is the electronics fail and short circuit due to moisture in the ceiling . We all know moisture is in the roof of cars just look at all the rusted out roofs window and A pillars of older toyotas.
Now a normal incondesent bulb used to do this job. what happend when it corroded it stopped working as you might recall. Well now its ultra efficient led light must be better right. Well no now you have potential fires if it corroced due to the elctronic components when failing the shorting of it turns it self in to a fire ignition source as worst case. i got that info from german kfz mag in german language if you cant find it on a english page. Vw is a german speaking manufacturer so the truth is more likely to be printed in german first. This problem wont be limmited to vw as the problem is these new electronic crap plasterd all over in any new car.
Aug 21, 4:16am
You are right intrade-You can be sure the same parts will be used throughout the VAG group.
Aug 21, 5:36am
You can be certain that if Toyota or, heaven forbid, a Nissan Tiida were to have the same issue our attention will be regularly called to it forever and a day into the future.
Aug 21, 5:57am
Wow. Bought exactly one of these a month ago from a main dealer and still has the LED lights. Will check with the dealer.
Aug 21, 6:00am
An nothing on the VW NZ website.
Aug 21, 8:35am
May not be an issue in NZ due to our winters vs Germany.
Aug 21, 12:16pm
Give me a break, it's a simple recall, thousands of which exist covering every darn make. At least they've recognised a possible problem, owned it, and are making sure it won't happen. Well done!
Oct 20, 8:04am
Agreed, All makers have the odd problem and VAG is no different.
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