VW Transporter van

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gedo1, Aug 7, 2:01pm
Thanks Kazbanz. The strange thing about the fuel consumption figures is that the reading I took to get the 9litres per hundred kilometres was after about 5 to 10 minutes in 6th gear on the motorway. That would have to be the very point in travel when I would expect the fuel usage to be minimal contributing to the average fuel consumption. But as I stated earlier the average for that trip was 14litres per hundred kilometres. Not all that impressive for sn unloaded vsnn being driven conservitely . Apart from the headlights and the doubtful economy claims they are a fine van. By the way we also have two TDI vans - the diesel option. Driving the petrol TSI in Auckland is a better experience. The diesels are used for longer deliveries/service and suit that role

kazbanz, Aug 8, 4:56am
gedo-Yea I guess that's the tradeoff. The Van being fit for purpose naturally means its like shoving a brick through the air.
Wouldn't it be wonderfull if we could get vans that "morph" from car height to van height.

esky-tastic, Nov 1, 8:15am
Hence why when they have a sack of spuds in the back they dazzle oncoming drivers. grrrr, stooped idea, right up there with jamming indicators in right beside the headlights!