Does anyone know where l can get a second hand catalytic converter for this car, or is it possible to replace it with a muffler
Nov 27, 11:26am
AA Wreckers Avondale Akl.
Nov 27, 1:06pm
whats the reason? check engine light code cat below threshold? that code you wont see on asian imports till many years later when emission law forced them to comply as well.
Nov 27, 1:57pm
You could have an exhaust shop remove it and put a straight pipe in, some cars may need O2 sensors to remain.
Nov 27, 2:05pm
it's rattling from the inside, so looks like it needs to be replaced, pick a part wont sell them, rang a wrecker, they want 300 for a second hand one, just hoping to get one cheaper
Nov 27, 2:10pm
looks like a two litre auto
Nov 27, 2:36pm
is the check engine light on?
Nov 27, 6:18pm
Od it's an old Mk4 with no downstream 02 sensor just remove the pipe off the car and knock the guts out of it and refit it. Mount it in a vice and punch the broken pieces out with a hammer and a long narrow punch or suitable piece of metal into a plastic bag. Wear gloves and a dust mask and seal the bag up and get rid of it. No pipe sections or welding required. 0
Nov 28, 1:43am
#9 would be a option the thing is however the old cats had platinum = worth money if you find the right dealer for it . The other thing is i do not know if they already have had continues monitoring to detect with the downstream o2 that the catalisator is not functioning. The way that works is oxigen sensor 1 before the cat gets a measurement, the catalisator is storing air essentially if it works So the secound oxigen sensor reports less oxigen . the ecu compares it and if they are the same measurement. it sets a obd2 emission code "cat below threshold" euros are 10 years ahead to asian built cars with all them problems. Its why i want to know if the check engine light is on.
Nov 28, 2:29am
It’s a Golf, of course the check engine light will be on .
Nov 28, 2:38am
Now that's something to think about
Nov 28, 3:21am
Theres ways around that if you know how, IF it's a problem. Last cat I removed I was fully expecting to have to fool the downstream sensor, but it's never brought up an efficiency code despite it not being there. I've not bothered to monitor what the sensor output actually is as its kept the light off thus far.
Nov 28, 4:08am
not all have it. but our year 2000 yaris verso has got continued emission monitoring its the same car as the funcargo. only difference is the shifter in the verso is on the floor not steering of the 3 speed aisin and the ecu uses the canbus for mode 6 . as where i was wondering why the funcargo has a canbus thats not used. Well one knows now why. seems 2008 asians sold vehicles only started mode 6 so if its a uk import it probably has mode 6 setting cat inneficient code on a y2k Golf
Nov 28, 9:10am
If you knock the ceramic filter out of the cat convertor so you can put it back in. Put the powder in a bag & note the number on the cat on it and call a 'Cat convertor pick up guy', they will pick it up from you, they probably won't pay for it, but it's the environmental thing to do. They really only pay for complete cats, but Euro & American vehicles have a bit above average, up to way above average ( like diesels ) PGMs in them.
To buy one, yep, $300 sounds about right. You would get $100 for it. So at the end of the day it's probably worth $300, but if it's broken up inside the Cat, it's probably worth a lot less now.
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