Removing scratchs from car panels

clampits, Aug 23, 2:32am
These are from the bushes up the drive. Not deep scratchs , can't feel them at all. This is on the wifes Panther Black Clubie. So i don't want to make it any worse.Please enlighten me oh wise ones.

gammelvind, Aug 23, 2:54am
They would probably come out with a good cut and polish. Without seeing it hard to judge, but any car paint shop or groomer would buff it out.

rpee, Aug 23, 2:59am
Trim the bushes up the drive way would be a start !

rob_man, Aug 23, 3:01am
Sounds like a cut and polish should do it.

attitudedesignz, Aug 23, 3:07am

Common sense, the thing most common people DON'T have.

clampits, Aug 24, 7:27am
Trimed the bushes, but the the scratchs are still there fun that
Was wondering about diy products and elbow grease. Maybe a very fine hand cut !. or leave it to the experts

rovercitroen, Aug 24, 10:29am
A trimmed bush is good.

grangies, Aug 24, 2:28pm
If it's a nice car (and especially black colour) take it to a spray painting shop or a car valet for the best results.

You really need a proper electric buff with a compounding pad and something like Farecla G3 or 3M Perfect-It III extracut Rubbing Compound.

Then you need to machine glaze it with a softer polishing pad on the buff ( 3M make a good machine glaze ) . I'd do this twice on a nice black vehicle.

And finally there is a myriad of waxes out there to chose from. My personal favourite is Meguires Cleaner Wax. But there are plenty of similar one available.

The final stage of waxing is the easiest part of doing it DIY, as you don't need a electric buffer.

clampits, Aug 24, 4:29pm
Thanks grangies

kazbanz, Aug 24, 10:19pm
clampits. IMO theres a chance with a lovely black car that your efforts could make a mess of things.(no disrespect intended)
There are people who specialise in remedial work exactly like this.They have the expertise to get the car back to perfect.
With scratches like you describe I'd suggest the Touch Up Guys.
I can't comment on other areas but the Henderson guy is great

lookoutas, Aug 25, 12:46am
Maybe something like Repo and a lot of elbow grease, might do the job. There are different grades too,
But now the bushes are trimmed, they're gunna be sharper!

heads1st, Aug 25, 3:32am
Autosol - great stuff.

rob_man, Aug 25, 3:35am
Yep, a trimmed bush can be unbelievably scratchy.

gunhand, Sep 30, 10:56am
especially if its trimed into a triangle or diamond, ouch that would take an eye out.