I made the mistake of not going with her and now my previous mint 99 Toyota Funcargo has a totally smashed front end. The young Asian girl said she didn't know how to use the brake pedal. Luckily for me she agreed to buy it and the money is now in my bank account and she is arranging to get the car home. I don't think she realises exactly how much money she is going to have to pay to get it fixed.
Jan 29, 2:41am
Very decent buyer you had there, I would send her flowers.
Jan 29, 2:41am
:( Funcargone!
Jan 29, 2:52am
You have the money, car is no longer your responsibility, move on and be glad it worked out!
Jan 29, 2:54am
did she have a license!how can she not know how to use a brake pedal. its not rocket science, u push it the car stops.
Jan 29, 2:58am
Jan 29, 3:02am
OP are you a dealer, you seem to sell a few cars! surely you'd be insured for this kind of mishap!
Jan 29, 3:13am
One of my wife's friends did not know that the harder you push the pedal, the quicker your car comes to a stop.She smashed in to a car when she could have easily stopped.
Raised in NZ and passed her license tests here.Not sure how!!
Jan 29, 3:45am
Make sure the bank transfer is totally irrevocable before you crow too loudly!
Jan 29, 3:55am
Because NZ is a joke when it comes to driver licenses.
Jan 29, 3:55am
mmm she doesn't want to buy a Farm does she!
Jan 29, 4:18am
well i dont know an insurance company would be to receptive to a claim stating " driver couldnt find the brake pedal"or words to that effect and she 's probably still using her "international " licence which most of them do until they get caught & forced to apply for nz licence
Jan 29, 4:26am
least you are not out of pocket count yourself lucky.
Jan 29, 4:26am
Its ok, she probably has disposable income.
Jan 29, 5:42am
And they say speed is the problem in NZ. Time we had a decent training and test sytem
Jan 29, 5:48am
Don't be silly. It's better to crash under the speed limit than to not crash over the speed limit. Ain't the gubbermint taught you nuffin'!
Jan 29, 5:49am
Haha reminds me of when I bought our car in ozzy. we were waiting for the salesman to come back from a testdrive with another customer, he got out of the test driven car white as a sheet, told me the asian guy had no idea how to drive. The customer paid and we watched as he drove off, dragging rear wheels as handbrake still on. We caught him at the other end of the lot, got the handbrake off for him, and watched him pull out onto the road, almost collecting another car on the way out! and he was licensed too
I wouldn't even let a potential buyer drive - intially.If they were keen after I'd driven them, then I'd want to see their licence and want an appropriate guarantee before I let them drive.I'd say you sold to a very honourable person, even if their driving is rubbish!
Too many drivers with bad habits, such as riding the clutch or letting the car labour up hills or revving the hell out of it and just dropping the clutch - and that is without considering their general ability as pointed out above.
Last car I sold, the buyer never even drove it before handing over the cheque and I delivered it to his house when the cheque had cleared!
Jan 29, 9:07am
You can do no wrong in a car if you're under the speed limit remember! hit 101km/h.we all die! lol
Jan 29, 9:32am
nek minute
Jan 29, 10:35am
Last car I sold I lent it to the buyer for the weekend so he could be sure it was what he really wanted and no I didn't know him.I'm a great believer in first impressions.He paid asking price and was very happy.I never so much as got in the car with him.
Jan 29, 7:39pm
ive sold a few where the buyer isnt even interested in a test drive
Jan 29, 8:39pm
That's very trusting of you and I guess you were quite lucky - it could have gone completely the other way with you not seeing them or your car ever again. I've just heard of way too many tales of sellers letting buyers take the car away without paying in full (ie payment plan promised) only to have to chase up lack of payments and the hassle which goes with it.
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