I have an older mirage that needs repainting. Technically only half the car needs repainting (primered spots from major dents that have been repaired), but the rest of the paintwork is average (scratches and shopping trolley dings) so I had better do the entire car (plus colour matching would be a mish as the original paint has faded really badly).
I am keen to learn how to do it myself and seeing as the car isn't worth much, figured I would give it a go myself.
Can I prep and paint 1-2 panels at a time! I wouldn't want to sand back the entire car to realise I do a really crappy job at painting, plus it means I only need to give up the car for a couple of days (only have 1 car).
Is this a good idea! or a bad idea!
Your advice is appreciated :)
Feb 3, 11:54pm
If you want a patch work paint finish,go for it.I would paint the whole car in 1 go for a better finish.
Feb 3, 11:59pm
It's able to be done 2 panels at a time.
But the masking involved would be insane.
Feb 4, 12:02am
Also if the car is a light metallic colour, then I would not recommend doing it 2 panels at a time, unless you know what you are doing.
Because a light metallic in the hands of an amateur, can change colour due to the way it is sprayed from one attempt to the next. Even though it comes out of the same paint can.
Feb 4, 12:09am
Thanks grangies. Yeah it is a light gold/silver metallic. Hmmm, maybe I should just do the side that needs repainting then re-evaluate! Some colour discrepancy is ok, but I don't want it to look silver on one side and gold on the other lol.
Feb 4, 12:12am
just make sure you got enough paint for the whole car and use laquer as that can be painted by anyone who has some knowhowyou can just 1200 1600-wet sandorange pealing paint down and buff it up after .
Feb 4, 12:48am
Nice job.
But goodness me! Is that a businesses promotional vehicle, or just something that someone wanted, to be different.
Feb 4, 12:56am
Thanks. My sons Hilux, neither of us like to "blend" in with the crowd LOL.
Feb 4, 1:52am
It should be fine doing a couple of panels at a time (worked out fine for me). Doing a whole side at a time would be better though.
Feb 4, 2:13am
Do al lthe prep work& maskinggetpainter too spray it for you .Paint & thinners will cost $300- $400for laquer 3 L pain t &10 of thinnersso dont want to screw it updoing it yourselfunless you are good at it .Paint supplier will have code for the car .Should be able to get it done forundergrand
Feb 4, 2:13am
years back i painted my Cortina over about a month. each time i'd paint different sections, (all white). on a saturday i'd paint all the door jams & inside the boot. then the engine bay & under the hood, followed by the doors, 1 a night & the roof & rear quarters & then the outside of the hood. then i lightly sanded everything & gave it the top coat followed by the clear coat. when it was finished it looked pretty bl@@dy good if i say so myself. changed from that ugly Cool Green to white & you'd never tell it was green when i finished. so i say go for it.
Feb 4, 4:34am
My advise given your lack of experience would be to do a full side in one go. I feel this will give you the very best chance of getting an acceptable look. Its not such an issue in say white but in a metallic not so easy. I'd follow attitudes advise re the painting
Feb 4, 5:13am
Nice work as always.
Feb 4, 5:31am
Man you do some pretty dam nice work attitudedesignz
Dec 8, 12:47am
Looks like an old ppg rack attitude And colour box.
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