Would you verbally abuse a driver of a car

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2lo4ho, Aug 27, 3:22am
if you didnt like the personalised plate! or would you just look away and move on with your life! opinions please, a survey if you will.

jezz43, Aug 27, 3:23am
depends if it was offensive or not. it not, who really cares.

2lo4ho, Aug 27, 3:25am
i wont disclose what it was but if it was deemed offensive it wouldnt have been manufactured

aragorn2003, Aug 27, 3:26am
was it your username!

extrayda, Aug 27, 3:27am
Nope, but I'm not in the habit of abusing people often.
I might think 'what a waste of money' or that the person was one of those 'look at me look at me' types.But it's their choice, doesn't affect me so not my place to comment.

2lo4ho, Aug 27, 3:27am
no it wasnt directed at me. saw it happen on the motorway today

jezz43, Aug 27, 3:27am
have you read the article of the lady in the south island who has a number plate that says a word with 2 meanings! IIRC its in relation to hitler or something and also represents something of a completely different nature. the complaints of it made the paper a fair while ago

dr.doolittle, Aug 27, 3:34am
Why not! It's only a number plate.

the_don_61, Aug 27, 3:48am
Id disagree. I own a plate thats legal
I want anther which has same meaning, but they will not sell it or make it.

i wont say what I have or want I want but its pretty fkd up the way they police it.

the_don_61, Aug 27, 3:49am
I'll e.mail PP plates again and plead me case.I'll post the reply.

saxman99, Aug 27, 4:50am
That plate is ARYAN.She bought it for her boyfriend Andrew! Ryan. Some people thought it referred to people of Aryan ethnicity which was Hitler's racist vision of an 'ideal' race.

whqqsh, Aug 27, 12:43pm
Police can remove it if its deemed offensive, a mate of mine has had it happen, eventhough they manufactured it & it went through the system it was seen one day & not liked by someone. Not sure if Joe Public complained or if the cop just took offence but it was gone either way

guider1, Aug 27, 3:46pm
I'd more than likely just laugh but I wouldnt abuse someone for a p/plate. I abuse them for arrogant &/or dangerous driving practices though.

elect70, Aug 27, 7:31pm
Just laugh at them .

trogedon, Aug 27, 8:37pm
Yet if someone had NESIAN that would be ok!! There is nothing inherently offensive in ARYAN, HITLER, ADOLF etc in fact I should get one of them for my VW Beetle and paint in in camo colours.

kelly188, Aug 27, 8:56pm
Why would you abuse them! If its offensive they might be looking for a bite. Get on with your life.

hutchk, Aug 27, 11:00pm
Was it URACOK!

2lo4ho, Aug 28, 1:32am
got cock on your mind hutchk! nah, just found it odd that someone would get so worked up over nothing, to the point of verbally abusing another driver for no reason at all. some people must have issues.

extrayda, Aug 28, 3:27am
Nope, but I'm not in the habit of abusing people often.
I might think 'what a waste of money' or that the person was one of those 'look at me look at me' types.But it's their choice, doesn't affect me so not my place to comment.

dr.doolittle, Aug 28, 3:34am
Why not! It's only a number plate.

saxman99, Aug 28, 4:50am
That plate is ARYAN.She bought it for her boyfriend Andrew! Ryan. Some people thought it referred to people of Aryan ethnicity which was Hitler's racist vision of an 'ideal' race.

guider1, Aug 28, 3:46pm
I'd more than likely just laugh but I wouldnt abuse someone for a p/plate. I abuse them for arrogant &/or dangerous driving practices though.

pollymay, Aug 29, 2:59am
I got abused for slight scuffing from an LSD diff taking off from a gravel driveway once. It seriously took about 3 minutes of arguing before I even got what she was meaning about "you did a burnout". Some people are literally clueless.

twinroses, Aug 29, 3:52am
Tried to get a plate for NICK a V8MOPARmad brothernlaw a few years ago ; 4NICK8
But no go

trogedon, Oct 6, 9:55am
Bet you'd love me to do that.but I won't.