Car freighting

hopie, May 8, 10:30pm
old thread - tried search but no luck, but wanting to transport a car from Nelson bays to Auckland, tried Jeff's and toll transport, neither want to do it as it is under 150mm ground clearance

anyone know who would likely do this!

Thanks in advance

elenor, May 9, 12:51am
had the same problem with a race car with 75mm clearance from auckland to nelson ,hired a container and shipped it ,worked out well.

daryl14, May 9, 3:01am
Disconnect the shocks and chock the wheels up!

thelms, Sep 8, 1:10am
How much to get a car delivered from wellington to chch!

jono450, Sep 8, 1:22am
hold on ill just call a car transporting company

jono450, Sep 8, 1:24am
$428.95 inc thats just one company i had a vx cruiser transported from hamilton to ashburton $646.89 plus gst

thelms, Sep 8, 1:38am
thanks Jono I knew you would know.

jono450, Sep 8, 1:43am
lol did you know that they charge more if itss not drivable

ceedoubleyou, Jan 30, 4:41pm
back in 2004 I had a car trained up from Chch to Akl, $450 from memory.