anyone know how much i would roughly be paying to repair the front panel on a rav4! I dont think i will need a completely new one it just has some scrapes on it and around the license plate is a bit dented, I swiped the side of my dads car coming home and rung insurance but its going to be a $750 excess so im hoping it will be cheaper if i just go get it repaired myself. Just want to see if anyone knows a rough cost so im not too shocked when i take it in.
Sep 10, 2:32am
By front panel, do you mean a bumper or a guard! What year is the RAV 4!
Sep 10, 2:35am
its 1998 and i think its just the guard the main damage is just around the license plate otherwise its just scratching
Oct 20, 3:55am
Easier to just call into a panel beater and get a quote, $500-$1000 dosn't go far nowdays.
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