without written authorisation from xxx it would be the person who left the vehicle for repairs. if the workshop has been dumb enough to let that person take the car back when repairs are done thats their problem .
Feb 15, 9:11pm
if it wasn't authorised by XXX then I suppose the person who owns the vehicle or dropped it in. The workshop most likely wouldn't release the car until the bill has been paid anyway. If this is a customer of yours who decided the car had a fault which needed to be fixed, as per the CGA, they didn't contact you to provide a remedy yourself, therefore they can't hold you liable to fix it when they've taken matters into their own hands and not given you the oppurtunity yourself.
Feb 15, 9:20pm
The person that authorised the work is responsible for paying the bill.
Feb 15, 9:33pm
I always used to get the money from the person who brought the vehicle in, it was there job to get the money from the other party, if they didnt like that they could take the vehicle elsewhere, it is an easy way to scam free repairs.
Feb 15, 9:34pm
Totally agree Saki. It's not the mechanics job to be a debt collector.
Feb 15, 9:39pm
mechnificent help me!! my 300zx has no reverse
Feb 15, 11:14pm
Workshops problem. They might as well send me the bill as XXX!
Feb 15, 11:23pm
Does the workshop not have a policy around this type of thing! A bit dumb really.
Feb 15, 11:27pm
What workshop is that stupid! Is this a pisstake Kaz! cheers stevo
Feb 15, 11:28pm
The policy should be that the customer signs a form with terms and conditions on it authorising the work. If they wan't credit that should be arranged before the work starts. If they want someone else to pay the bill with credit they need to arrange that before the work starts. If the workshop let it leave the shop without a signed form and a credit arrangement that they agreed to. their problem.
Feb 15, 11:37pm
Well unless XXX agreed in writing to pay the bill. they can just ignore and forget about it.
Feb 15, 11:38pm
Anybody that agrees to charge someone else for work done without contacting that person derserves all thats coming their way ($nothing$) Nobody can be held liable for work thats not been accepted by them. What a muppet. Cheers Stevo
Feb 15, 11:40pm
Hope it wasnt you was it! Cheers Stevo
Feb 15, 11:47pm
Just had the same scenario, only we know the XXX in question doesn't pay his bills, but the owner was adamant that we fix the damage done by XXX's son who had attacked the car, and XXX was gunna pay. After about 4 weeks of us not laying a finger on the car, XXX finally turned up, and said the quote was too dear - so wanted to take it for further prices. Good! Told owner to take it elsewhere, and saw it at the paintshop yesterday looking ruff as guts. Obviously a much cheaper job.
At the end of the day, it's the owners responsibility, If the garage even started repairs to the car, let alone released it under those circumstances, then they're dumb arses.
Feb 15, 11:56pm
People would often ring me and ask me to fix something and charge it their insurance company. I would ring the insurance company and generally get the go ahead but occasionally would be told the customer didnt have insurance with them or the policy had lasped. Pleased I didnt take the customer at face value and just rip in and do the job eh! No agreement with the payer (preferably written) must mean no job! cheers stevo
Feb 16, 12:00am
"The underlying issue being that the work was carried out without the workshop contacting XXX to ensure it was ok to procede or even to say what the work was or who the customer was.".
And there is the workshops problem.
Feb 16, 12:03am
Yup, I'm with Stevo. I never take someones word, not even a good customer, that some other third party is going to pay. I contact the third party and tell them what has been proposed, what I'm going to be doing, about any possible complications etc amd I get a verbal or written agreement that they will accept the terms and pay for the repair. even if it is only in an email.
Feb 16, 12:05am
i recond the work shop should pay as there dumb enough to do the work before making sure the person who droped the caror mr XXXpays, it will proberly end up in the dept collectors or small claims court
Feb 16, 12:13am
Oh, Kaz. I wanted some new bike tyres. I told Cycletreads you'd be good for the payment, OK!
Feb 16, 12:17am
It's not up to the workshop to contact/chase XXX. The story is customer - You tell XXX to front up and confirm the deal, then we'll fix it.
Feb 16, 1:34am
To answer OP. Send bill to the vehicle owner with a note saying XXX is refusing responsibility, so the account is expected to be paid by them.
End of story. See them in court if not paid.
Feb 16, 1:49am
I'd say the workshop sounds a bit green.
Feb 16, 1:54am
Don't you own a diary! You should have been contacted before work commenced. You can tell them to go fly a kite because of this The owner needs to contact you to discuss what you agreed to pay for.
Hope your friend gets sorted!
Feb 16, 3:09am
Is it even genuine! We gets bills at work for fake advertising etc.
Feb 17, 9:03pm
Not quite same but Ex & partner were new to motel lease . Got "govt orders " 4 rooms for 3 nightsbut on sending accountdiscoveredfake order , they just used a gov letterhead copy & typed in details .But abovescenatio I wouldnt do itunless pay up front .
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