Driveway car sensor

pete_iam, Sep 13, 4:00am
the ones that warn you when a car is coming upto house.where can you get these!

fordkiwi27, Sep 13, 4:01am

msigg, Sep 13, 4:11am
j - car

gunhand, Sep 13, 4:23am
I had a driveway alarm as we live down a long drive way and we were having problems with a prowler who was damaging our cars. Worked well but on the 2nd night it went off 4 times, so up got with the bass ball bat and wife in front of me to nab this chap. 3 times it was a dog, 4th time I delayed getting up muttering and moaning and missed the prick by inches. So put it in a place where animals dont interfare with it. Part from that good things. Oh and we eventually got him.never came back.

stevo2, Sep 13, 4:33am
Love the last sentence haha

pup2, Sep 13, 4:44am
And here goes me thinking you were nice and laid back Gunhand. Not a mean bone in ya lol

gunhand, Sep 13, 4:46am
Your alive then!Your invite is at work if you ever get back there LOL
Oh and I have my moments LOL.And I want to talk to you about XR6s.

pup2, Sep 13, 4:52am
lol. bored to hell but alive. back on the 5th. Got the invite in the mail today. Just finished sorting the kids for it, so we can have a night off from them lol

gunhand, Oct 24, 9:17am
The 5th!The boss will have lost the last of his hair by then. take a viagra, itll fix that limp problem up no worries.He musta sent it on to you then.