How do you advertise on here for a car wanted !

budgel, Sep 20, 8:00pm
I guess you could take out a classified and put WANTED in the title.

brodsta01, Sep 21, 5:33am
Wat car u after

modie61, Sep 21, 2:45pm
Something fast

eagles9999, Sep 21, 3:21pm
Oh dear!

shuddupowh, Sep 21, 4:37pm
Something fast! That narrowed it down so much. Depends what you call fast. A Trueno is fast, but a Turbo modified Skyline is fastER.

shuddupowh, Sep 21, 4:38pm
Start and Ad under parts wanted and say you want a complete car which runs with rego wof etc only costs $1 or something.

modie61, Nov 10, 4:02am
Lets narrow it down a bit. Under 1000kgs,more than 130hp,not necessarily road legal,up to lets say $3500. Hows that ! And as near to complete as possible.