96 P11 primera Stalling,

dasfi, Oct 8, 2:50pm
Only does it when engine is hot, If sitting at a set of lights or stopped, go to put your foot on accelerator slightly and revs just drop and car dies, like there is a dead spot in accelerator, ! its a 2.0l Auto, Standard, Cheers'

mm12345, Oct 8, 3:50pm
This may be what you need to do:

My guess is that your problem is MAF (AFM) related.
There's probably a way to test the AFM output signal voltage without dismantling it and cleaning it as first step, but you'll need to find out what the specs should be. Typically there'll be a voltage spec/range at idle, and a higher voltage at 2-3000rpm.If this is out - even well out - then it won't trigger a check engine light.Symptoms can vary, but typically engine dies/stalls or hesitates/loses power when throttle is opened.

Could be something else of course and as always, but that's where I'd start.
(As it's not happening unless engine is warm, it's less likely to be intake air leak, tps, o2 sensor etc etc)

dasfi, Oct 8, 7:19pm
Sweet as cheers, will have a lok t the link and give it a go

tgray, Oct 8, 7:51pm
Air flow meter!

christopher, Nov 21, 3:51pm
This is exact problem I have just started to get with my 1996 P11 Primera (sr20de).

Going to follow the advice and I'll let you know how I get on.



gemgemz, Feb 28, 8:16pm
My 96 P11 has the exact same problem. Started happening approximately 18months ago. Cleaned MAF sensor back then, and this fixed it for 5-6 months. Problem started up again, so re-cleaned. Got to the point that re-cleaning didn't fix it, so replaced with a second hand MAF sensor. Ran great for awhile, now the same problem has happened, and cleaning MAF sensor doesn't seem to fix it. Anyone have any suggestions on what to do?