Black car polish

peevee, Oct 10, 3:11am
Is there any such thing as a polish that removes fine scratches from a black car! Also does anyone know of an interior cleaner for black vinyl that doesnt leave a whitish residue. Armour all is fine for some of it but the doors have white spots on them and they won't clean off.
Thanks in advance.

fordcrzy, Oct 10, 3:14am
DO NOT use leaves residue and it also evaporates from the dash and leaves residue on glass that is very hard to get rid of.

i use Meguiers products and the interior detailer is great.
use a good carnuba based wax and if you want it REALLY mirrorfinish then use a show car detailer spray

rovercitroen, Oct 10, 3:25am
Turtle Wax Colour Magic in black - comes in various colours to match car paint colour.

peevee, Oct 10, 4:06am
Thanks so much for that advice and yes, I had come to the same conclusion about Armourall.

kazbanz, Oct 10, 1:41pm
Peevee regarding EXTERIOR of the car. For the sake of this discussion unless your car is painted with black enamel with no clear coat then FORGET the color. Yes black does show the scratches more-theres no way around that.
With the scratches Id start out using a good quality fine buffing/cutting polish.
IMO to source thatyou should go to an automotive paint supplier.
Generally the off the shelf stuff in super sheep or ripco isn't up to the job.
Personally I get generically best results with the pink 3m product06068 and its rated to give a swirl free finish on black cars
but every painter has his own favorite they prefer.
What i would do though no matter what you decide on try it first on an unobtrusive spot and see how it looks.
Re interior. I'm NOT a fan of armourall but the issue you describe in fairness does not sound like an issue with the product it sounds more like an issue with application. >white spots sound like it was just sprayed on not wiped with a cloth. I would actually in your shoes give the interior a wash to remove the extra product and try again. -By wash I mean rub down with non agressive cleaning product on a rag
Incidently I tend to have a sequence when grooming the interior of a car and I do the dash BEFORE I do the windscreen I also have a nifty bit of cardboard about 600 x300 I push onto the screen when Im doing the dash then flip it onto the dash when doing the windows. The card catches and absorbs most of the drips or splashes

klrider, Oct 10, 1:43pm
YES, have used this on a black territory, came up fantastic.

peevee, Oct 10, 11:01pm
Hey thanks kazbanz. Yes I did spray on the armourall until I realised what was happening but will take your advice. When I purchased the car they cleverly had it in the shade and i didn't notice the scratches or the swirls on the paintwork. It is a 2008 car so not that old. I may not be able to get rid of them but I'd like to make it look a bit better if I can. Thanks for your advice.

thejazzpianoma, Dec 27, 11:17am
While Kaz is spot on with that kind of product what he didn't mention is that its a "machine polish" and using it with a crappy toy polisher or by hand is going to be hard work for average results.

You can however get yourself a polisher that is as good as a pro one for not a lot of money. If you go to supercheap and get their big polisher that hides with the proper tools and looks like a really big angle grinder. Its about $90 and is a knock off of the proper Hitachi machine.

Combine that with the proper polishing pad to suit the product you buy and you can get great results but you MUST follow the instructions, don't assume anything. You get the polishing pads from the paint wholesalers, same place that sells the polish.

Personally I use the Farecla products which are easily available in Tauranga 3M is good too and likely have their own polishing pad as well.

I am flat out for the next 3 weeks but if you are not in a hurry I would be happy to show you what to do and we could try the farecla product on your car and test the results before you go and part with your money. No charge, all you have to do is show up with your car some time when I am not busy. I don't sell polish or any related product, I was just lucky enough to be shown how to do it properly for free by a pro and am happy to pay it forward.

BTW, all my work cars were black and I had no trouble getting existing swirl marks out, its easy to do with the right gear.

Here are some video's of the stuff I use.!v=LutecHeu3Y0!v=j-r468_wlHQ&feature=related