Buying car from other island sight unseen

collosal1, Nov 12, 2:02am
is there any comeback if the seller doesnt ship it after payment!

neo_psy, Nov 12, 2:23am
Well, yeah. But it's likely to be complicated.

Maybe see if they'll use Safetrader. Split the fee, maybe!

jmma, Nov 12, 2:38am
Wouldn't it be better and safer to go get it yourself!

collosal1, Nov 12, 3:25am
yes but time is money

mugenb20b, Nov 12, 3:27am
So buy a car locally.

jmma, Nov 12, 3:30am
True, but if you really want this car, a little time invested in getting it yourself may save you some money in the long run.
Must be a nice car.

collosal1, Nov 12, 3:33am
im not buying a corolla

sw20, Nov 12, 5:05am
Don't be a jew. Fly and pick it up yourself.

I bought my current turbo mr2 sight unseen. Saw photos, asked relevant questions. Deposited a few hundy into sellers account, flew up on the weekend and drove Napier to Christchurch in a day :)

donna_jo29, Nov 12, 5:28am
we r frm southland and hubbie flew to palmerston north and wellington to get two cars. and drove them back.

trdbzr, Nov 12, 5:30am
Stop being a cheapskate. Fly and pick it up. Seats on grabaseat or jetstar are quite cheap.

gooddealz2, Nov 12, 5:36am
Mine was transported by Jeffs when I sold it to a guy in Wellington earlier in the year.If you've spoken to the vendor and it's warranted and registered I couldn't think of a better way to get to know it than to drive it.Doesn't take as long as you think if you time the ferry right.

kazbanz, Nov 12, 4:58pm
I scratch my head a little at this kind of mentality.
A flight even an expensive one is $200 ish. Balancing that off against the potential loss of thousands if the seller is a scammer -to me thats a no brainer.
Fly down. drive the car. Pay the money and if its to hard time wise to drive it back then deliver it to a reputable freight company and fly back

lordv81, Nov 12, 5:51pm
collosal1,you seem rather nervous about buying my car off me!I have said you can have it for the low price of $1500,its worth more than that in parts.I have sold dozens of cars all over the country,many at alot higher prices to people who have only seen pics ,without any worries.May be you should give it a miss and just buy locally as someone else has suggested!

ceedoubleyou, Feb 26, 7:11pm
I bought a car sight unseen from Chch, shipped up by rail, cost $450 back in 2004. 6 months later I saw the seller on TV being prosecuted for 14 counts of fraud, taking deposits and not fronting up with the car. How lucky was I, 6 years of happy motoring.