FB Gloating car theives

hijacka, Nov 11, 11:51pm
Get locked up! Happy to see some good come out of the web and theses little pricks got what they deserved! JAIL TIME.haha
This years most dumbest criminal award goes too.

big.b-lil.c, Nov 11, 11:59pm
that is good

mileyfan73, Nov 12, 12:56am
I'd just shoot them and dump them out at sea,save some taxpayers money,but meh.least they got caught I guess.

magicmat, Nov 12, 2:06am
I agree! But I guess a bit of jail time is a wee bit of consolation. These little punks bring out the psycho in me to be honest. They make me want to do things to them. evil, sadistic things.

budgel, Feb 24, 3:59am
I reckon evil sadistic buggers should be put away too!