Who knows a good carb rebuild place in auckland

loudnproud, Nov 14, 12:59am
Need to get three stromy's done

socram, Nov 14, 1:51am
Weber Specs have moved to Silverdale but I don't know of any other specialists.

a.woodrow, Nov 14, 2:07am
Just a thought - how much longer till we have posters on here asking what a carb is!

crzyhrse, Nov 14, 2:20am
Carburettor Specialities in Grafton.

loudnproud, Nov 14, 2:22am
thanks guys yea they were the two i was looking at. as for your your comment woodrow i think you've hit the nail on the head, its only a matter of time.

socram, Nov 14, 5:43pm
Not whilst we old farts run old cars!

big.b-lil.c, Nov 14, 6:11pm
hi tech motorsport, i think they are in drury

kazbanz, Nov 14, 6:47pm
I second carb specialties

jimjonesy, Nov 14, 7:03pm
All Fuel Systems in Manuaku are great.

trdbzr, Nov 14, 7:15pm
Its carbohydrates ofcourse, im sure we all know that

kiwicon, Mar 3, 11:53am
wouldnt touch them with a fifty foot barge pole. Bob homewood would be lucky to tune in his car stereo.