Who thinks an I want buy forum would be good

a9xtc, Jan 29, 2:45am
here 's the go you say what you want and the amountyour willing to pay for it.that way when buyers have dicked around trying to get what they want for their vehicle and can't they can contact you to negotiate a sale and also if your dreaming you will know as well since you will not get a contact.

falcon-hell, Jan 29, 2:48am
i think its a great idea right across the board-not just motoring,don't know that the powers that be-TM-would agree to it though.

a9xtc, Jan 29, 2:57am
Tm would fina a way to make a buck. I just thought It might speed up sales volumes.

nick91111, Jan 29, 3:04am
I think a good idea is that when you get a fixed price offer you could click "counter offer" or similar and wait to see what the seller says. Just an idea

kazbanz, Jan 29, 3:11am
I proposed this awhile ago. I suggested a listing fee for wanted adverts -this might make tm reconcider

tigra, Jan 29, 8:24am
Well you can do this for parts for $5. What sort of fee should they ask forvehicles wanted!Would you pay $30!