52km/h in a 50km/h zone camera ION. $30.

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sw20, Jan 16, 7:55am
Because school is in full swing at New Years

iginoi, Jan 16, 8:23am
Same person! Anyway, speed + school zone = ticket. FFS it's only $30! It's a good reminder to watch your f-ing speed if nothing else. Is it worth fighting - or this thread for that matter! - maybe it's a good 'opinion' topic

kevin_the_kiwi, Jan 16, 9:03am
I got a speeding ticket this week and had a few laughs reading the myth busters pamphlet:
Myth - Speed cameras are just a revenue grab.
Myth - Speed doesn't kill - bad driving does.
Myth - Police are more interested in generating money than road safety.
The irony is the speed camera was on a long straight highway and was semi concealed.

iginoi, Jan 16, 9:17am
+1 Good call mate, this could do a lot better in opinion, then we'd get views from all walks of life, not just those who only view the motoring threads

ree6, Jan 16, 9:50am
They dust !

ninja_man, Jan 16, 10:35pm
i just got a fine for $230 for speeding :(

andrea_w, Nov 7, 10:48am
Isn't the speed limit reduced to 40kph(!) between certain hours around schools!
What time did it happen!

pandai, Nov 7, 10:55am
Thought it was common knowledge that tolerance outside schools was zero

andrea_w, Nov 7, 11:27am
Common sense is for some reason less common amongst the masses these days. two of these people meet, then breed.
Thats whats changed. Why it has, I have no idea!

matthew111, Nov 7, 5:54pm
my understanding that the school zone applies approximately 6 am to 6 p.m. to allow time for before and after school activities.

bigfatmat1, Nov 7, 6:05pm
I have now had 3 x tickets at 53kmh in school areas one of them at 7:15 am who goes to school at that time. unfortunatley all in work vehicle so have coughed up and paid.

smac, Nov 7, 6:18pm

gofer0007, Nov 7, 6:25pm
Yip all schools are 40kph posted or not.Which is the right way too. So the 52 must be for 12 over the limit at that time!

phillip.weston, Nov 7, 6:54pm
if it were 12km/h over the limit the fine would be $80, not $30.

sifty, Nov 7, 7:06pm
yes, much safer to drive past schools staring at the speedo needle than looking out for kids.

49, 50, 49 kmh, *thump - thump* 50, 49, 50, 49, 48, 49, 50kmh driving safely here.

r15, Nov 7, 8:22pm
if you are looking at your speedo you wont be looking at the child you are about to run over

what happened to drive to the conditions!

hamishcookie, Nov 7, 8:58pm
Might not have even been a camera, I got one in the middle of the day outside Fraser I got pinged for being 3kph over the limit, they just had a copper in an unmarked car writing down number plates. For $30 there wasn't much point in disputing it and my boss said to just shut up and pay the $30 (was in a work truck) I don't know how they would go with people disputing it though.

cocabowla, Nov 7, 9:17pm
fixed cameras can be set to go off at anything more than 10% above the average speed for that site , so if the average speed has been 47kmh 52 is high enough to set it off.

ashwattau, Nov 7, 10:32pm
i think the point is that people are meant to lift their foot off the gas a bit more than normal, so they can be slightly more vigilant with regards to potential hazards/children they see on the sides of the roads. people don't HAVE to drive at 49/50 past a school just because that's the fastest speed they can legally do. and while the majority of people understand this, there are some idiots who don't - like the original poster's mate's GF, who are the reason why we need these rules.

kazbanz, Nov 7, 10:42pm
Normally I'd agree with you but gosh 2km/h is the difference between worn out tyres and new tyres

sifty, Nov 7, 11:17pm
actually my point was if they are pinging people for being 2kmh over the limit (whatever that is, 20, 40, or 50kmh) then people will tend to concentrate upon the speedo rather than looking for the unexpected child to dart out into their path. This even happens when they have the reduced tolerance weekends, when you are ticketed for being 4kmh over the limit.

To me this encourages 'tunnel vision' driving through fear of exceeding 104kmh, rather than promoting better driving habits (one of which is looking far ahead of your vehicle).

kazbanz, Nov 8, 12:12am
I feel a 5km/h "leeway" is reasonable.
Basicly if you are having to be so totally focussed on maintaining 50/80/100km/h then its as bad as texting or changing a radio channel.
Where I agree that in ideal conditions-flat,straight road its pretty easy to maintain a speed its not so easy in more normal conditions.
Stop start traffic,intersections,people pulling out of side roads,steep roads etc etc that are much more the norm in nz.
Gosh darn it even cars with modern cruise control will have a 5km/h margin before they cut acceleration in and out

martinhb, Nov 8, 12:16am
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/land-transport-nz/news/article.cfm!o_id=104&objectid=10410802 Looks like it has been a 40km/h zone since July 2007 .
Recommended to change limit in December 2006.


(edit to add council minutes).

robertsons-nes, Nov 8, 12:29am
speed limit around schools now 40ks i thought,thing that gets me is what happens at country schools theres a college just outside of pukekohe in a 100 kph zone so does that automatically become a 40k zone around the school or what

richardmayes, Nov 8, 12:37am
As always, it frightens me the number of people on these speed camera theads who think it's distracting and/or hard work to keep an eye on their speed. My message to them: try harder.

Yes five and six year old children should bear all the responsibility for road safety around schools, so that trained adults with driving tests under their belts don't have to worry about a thing.

This is all in the road code. Plenty of people manage to drive within the law, OPs friend needs to too. Stop your whinging and make it happen. If you find it all too hard, catch a bus.