52km/h in a 50km/h zone camera ION. $30.

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richardmayes, Nov 8, 12:57am
If you think getting your thug on on an internet thread is impressive, think again.

I explained whatI meant. If you can point out where I'm wrong, you go right ahead.

jono2912, Nov 8, 12:59am

robertsons-nes, Nov 8, 1:07am
dont think your road code is a guide willl stand in court.
oh and biker instead of being so tough in here do what you always carry on about take it to court and see what happens also i suggest you start driving past all the schools you can find at 55 ks an hour and also see what happens

robertsons-nes, Nov 8, 1:18am
Speed Kills Kids Programme
In the vicinity of schools, particularly during the high-risk morning and afternoon periods, a significant risk is posed to school children by speeding drivers and it is considered that a lower enforcement tolerance by both speed cameras and staff is critical to reducing child pedestrian casualties. Therefore Police will strictly enforce a 4 km/hour tolerance within 250 meters on each side of school boundaries to counter a quantifiable and publicly obvious road safety risk.
This initiative provides a sound and logical way in which to stimulate public debate around the impact of travel speed on pedestrian injury severity and to reduce the road safety risks to children travelling to and from school.

Why are Police bringing in these restrictions!

In the last five years over 1200 child pedestrians have been killed or injured during school terms. In the vicinity of schools, particularly during the high risk morning and afternoon periods, a significant risk is posed to school children by speeding drivers and it is considered that a lower enforcement tolerance by both speed cameras and staff is critical to reducing child pedestrian casualties.

When will it happen!

The new policy will be implemented on February 7th 2007 when the majority of schools, kindergartens, play centres and other organisations return for the start of the school year.

Where exactly will these restrictions begin and end!

Within 250 meters on each side of school boundaries

Will it apply to all schools!

Yes and also preschools, kindergartens, Kohanaga Reo ,play centres etc,

jono2912, Nov 8, 1:28am
Read the first sentence sh|t head.

kiwicon, Nov 8, 1:45am
westley collage is the school. ive followed (or in the same line as ) cops a couple of time, paranoid, but sit on about 90 thru there.

I just drove past were OP was talking about. sign at each end, one says school zone, other says school zone ends.

superdave0_13, Nov 8, 1:55am
Had she just spent the night at your place Biker! Maybe you should pay it for her.

robertsons-nes, Nov 8, 2:09am
your mumma must be so proud being able to form complete sentances like that jono

bill-robinson, Nov 8, 2:13am
Get yourself elected to parliament and then you can solve anything you want.

bleetbleet, Nov 8, 2:21am
.um that cant be right cause some rural schools are in 100 zones and i have seen cops going past these schools at that sort of speed

jono2912, Nov 8, 2:22am
How old are you! You're surely still in high school right! Turning this into a personal attack now are we!

robertsons-nes, Nov 8, 3:35am
ummm no that was you

henderson_guy, Nov 8, 3:47am
I suggest you read this, rather than just posting it. Police have a tolerance of 4 - again, 4 km/h over the posted speed limit outside of schools. Posted means the big red sign. So in a 50 km/h zone, you have a tolerance of up to 54 km/h before you are considered speeding. The schools are NOT all 40km/h, only those which are signposted. The only 40km/h signs that I have personally seen, are electronic, and are switched on during peak pick-up and drop-off times. 52km/h is total BS, and I would be asking some very pointed questions. No doubt as you will be, biker.

yendor, Nov 8, 3:47am
You were speeding.
You got caught.
Man up & get over it.

richardmayes, Nov 8, 4:09am
WTF! I haven't given any examples at all. extreme. or unreal. Unless you think checking your speedo while driving is somehow unreal or extreme!

richardmayes, Nov 8, 4:21am
Start using yours. What had you just said, when I quoted you there!

richardmayes, Nov 8, 4:38am
No it's not.

It's not a lot to expect motorists to take it slow past schools either.

Some of us are so extreme and unrealistic and hardcore that we can watch the road for kids, AND keep our speed below the limit at the same time. While "not using our brains" apparently.

robertsons-nes, Nov 8, 5:08am
apparently a lot of people can john and the worry is they all have licenses and will all be "im sweet""not my kid" sort of people.

robertsons-nes, Nov 8, 5:09am
hahaha you reallly are a stroker are nt you

glensidevilla, Nov 8, 6:25am
It's not revenue gathering because she was breaking the speed limit, and theres a fine for that, if she was under the speed limit and she got a ticket then THAT would be revenue gathering. Hope that helps.

bill-robinson, Nov 8, 6:36am
if you do not like the rules and regulations in this country that apply to all of us, including you and your friends daughter, then I suggest you go somewhere that you can be happy in your life.

glensidevilla, Nov 8, 6:41am
Nah, don't need to, you stated the facts.

plponies, Nov 8, 6:59am
Geez there must have been no other threads tonite where you could :argue, insult, abuse others so you decided to start your own. I mean speeding outside a school way to get a bite! got your fix yet or wana duke it out with me to. Hehehehe

plponies, Nov 8, 7:11am
Its just to easy ay and all from the comfort of the armchair.

bill-robinson, Nov 8, 7:15am
biker_69 wrote:
Whose daughter are you talking about!

she must be someones daughher or you have some wierd friends. Tell here to pay the fine and find another way to here destination. Then you can grow up and join the rest of us