52km/h in a 50km/h zone camera ION. $30.

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jono2912, Nov 8, 7:20am
Grow up! - He's still a child and can form sentences, use proper grammar and spell better than you.

Ed: Quote formatting.

clark20, Nov 8, 7:26am
Spoke to a policeman today, he says write in and protest, he says it should not happen, you have nothing to lose. I got off one ticket by asking for the calibration certificate, and proof that it was set up as per the manufacturers' instructions, and they let it go.

muzzaandmich, Nov 8, 8:29am
not half enough,,,,double the fineeach time

jono2912, Nov 8, 8:33am
I don't comprehend.

cuda.340, Nov 8, 8:43am
err don't you mean "punctuation"!.

jono2912, Nov 8, 8:56am
I've already assumed that it was a 'typo' that led to that error.

mellisa2000, Nov 8, 10:57am

unideck, Nov 8, 11:23am
Second that Fish, my guys school is a 100kmh zone.

Hey Biker, cheers for that, made my day laughing at some of the spew that came from the back sides of the "normally hang out in the general threads posters" pmsl

topzone, Nov 8, 6:01pm
Personally, I've had only one speed camera ticket and that was during the hidden camera trial in the Waikato around '98. And I sped everywhere. I'm too observant for the non-hidden ones to get me.[/quote]biker_69

You realy are a meathead Bob.

topzone, Nov 8, 6:23pm
wow nice come back Bobby,I find you mildly amusing when you shoot yourself in the foot like that.

Oh, and I have better things to do than waste the kind of time on this site that you do.

topzone, Nov 8, 6:38pm
Well I must away, lots to do today.
Bobby,do try and keep that bandaged foot out of your mouth #1 twat.

unideck, Nov 8, 9:21pm
Haha, just made my day yet again and Iv only been out of bed for like 30mins lol.

glensidevilla, Nov 9, 7:31am
Thanks I read that, try it as a defense, "yes your honour I admit I was speeding but it wasn't my fault, it was my cars"
Might work.

glensidevilla, Nov 9, 7:54am
Explain it to me then, small child.

jono2912, Nov 9, 8:02am
He already has.

glensidevilla, Nov 9, 9:00am
My bad, I reread post 5, I thought he had been talking about the car speedo. Doh!
That's a fair point then.

townie55, Nov 9, 9:19am
Time for another to stick his head out of the trenches.

There are some on the motoring MB that have certain strengths.topmotorsport likes his big blocks with real man HP, Fish likes the Fords, Philip Weston's bloody helpful, the JazzMan fancies Multiplas, Socram is the knowledge house for all things Hampton Downs, and MT can travel over the Harbour bridge in 3.2 secs in reverse.

I like to think of Biker as a good source of fact.He is generally bang on when it comes to points of fact or points of law.I trust him on these issues.

What lets Biker down are the personal attacks. Why so cutting!

You could be so much more, Biker.

I'll brace myself for the response.

hijacka, Nov 9, 9:26am
Biker69. target is locked,Fire!



craigsmith, Nov 9, 9:26am
You think idiocy should be encouraged!

ashwattau, Nov 9, 9:43am
jono2912. Sorry to be a cock but why do you absolutely have to say"+1"all the friggen time! lol

jono2912, Nov 9, 9:45am
I was thinking I post that I bit too much when I agree with something. I'll try tone it down a bit.

ashwattau, Nov 9, 9:58am
sweet as.

townie55, Nov 9, 11:10am
No I don't.But it takes no special skill to belittle an idiot.

jono2912, Nov 9, 11:15am
Good, we have come to a conclusion then.

townie55, Nov 9, 11:38am
Excellent.A good example of a snide response Jono.

All I'm saying is you can get a point across without sinking to personal attacks.