Buying a car with money owing! How to do it!

valleystream, Dec 1, 5:47pm
Hi guys, elderly relative has found a car they like. Seller has told them he has money owing on it. They want to buy the car. How do they go about it! Thanks.P.S. They are there now so urgent advice would be appreciated.

valleystream, Dec 1, 5:55pm
Don't worry, have searched on the left <----

crzyhrse, Dec 1, 5:55pm
Negotiate the purchase price, get the seller to provide a statement of the cost to clear the registered security, pay the secured party first and have the security cleared and get confirmation of that and pay the balance to the owner.

skin1235, Dec 1, 6:09pm
the seller can call up the finance company, give permission to them to talk to your elderly relative by name, and thus they can hear from the horses mouth re amount required to settle the account with the finance comp.
deduct that amount from the agreed amount and pay that to the seller, rock up to the finance comp and pay the rest

do not believe the seller when he says pay me $xxx and I'll fix up the owing "- next month he will be telling the repo man where you live after he has spent the entire amount and never cleared the debt

owene, Apr 24, 8:54pm