Sold car -Not paid for.

steph1211, Dec 5, 2:26pm
We sold a car to mate wasnt for alot and he said he would pay it off, paid some on the day and the week after that but hasnt paid anymore and wont make contact. Its still in our name, Has anyone had this happen 2 you and what did you do!

crzyhrse, Dec 5, 2:30pm
Firstly, if you never see him again it it was worth it. Secondly, you shouldn't have left it in your name. It doesn't mean you own it - registered ownership is not legal title.

friendly_prawn, Dec 5, 2:32pm
yes, have done similar. I repossessed my car. Problem solved.
Funny thing was with in a week, he came up with the rest of the money and paid the car off. I probably should have kept his deposit and told him to get stuffed. I kindly gave the car back to him once he came up with the rest. Good way to learn who your real friends are eh!

budgel, Dec 5, 2:33pm
If your car is worth more than your friendship, repossess it.

With Christmas coming up your chances of getting money from him are probably not going to improve.

If the mate is that irresponsible and the car is in your name, expect some speeding tickets etc. in the mail!

friendly_prawn, Dec 5, 2:36pm
Huh! what friendship. They have just been ripped off . Where is the friendship!.

steph1211, Dec 5, 2:36pm
Yup we are thinking of going and getting it! We should have known better its the 2nd time he has been like this about paying us for somthing! Might be time for a rd trip 2 get it! Yup sure is one way of knowing ya mates!

budgel, Dec 5, 2:38pm
I have a few friends who are hopeless with money but i still like them.
I never get into financial transactions with them though.

friendly_prawn, Dec 5, 2:41pm
you are obviously way more generous and forgiving than I.

illusion_, Dec 5, 2:46pm
"friends" organise their finance through a bank or the likes . they do NOT rip off their mates

gedo1, Dec 5, 3:40pm
.the SECOND time!What were you thinking this time!

steph1211, Dec 5, 4:01pm
That this time he actually had a job lol-But made no difference.

drew2009, Dec 5, 4:34pm
Yeah best not to loan money (or sell cars to!) friends.
You broke two crucial rules there lol.

curlcrown, Dec 5, 5:16pm
you opened yourself a can of worms. Cut your losses and lear a lesson.

steph1211, Dec 5, 5:27pm
Hes gt till friday.

friendly_prawn, Dec 5, 5:37pm
I wouldnt wait. Just go grab it.

steph1211, Dec 5, 5:48pm
He lives out of town :( otherwise we would have

ringo2, Dec 5, 7:21pm
Well if it is in your name look forward to all the speed camera tickets etc that will be coming your way.

drew2009, Dec 5, 8:06pm
friendly_prawn on holiday again! blardy hell.

steph1211, Dec 5, 8:32pm
i dont think there would be any cameras in the area he lives out in the country

nutslap, May 7, 6:49pm
Yes in fact we have had that exact same thing,we waited a little too long to go repo it tho,they swapped it for another one,never the less,we repo'd THAT one!Friends no more.