How do you check if money is owing on a car!

rainbowwarrior1, Jan 28, 12:55am
Thanks in advance.

jasongroves, Jan 28, 1:06am
text rego # to FIND

neville48, Jan 28, 1:55am
an opportunity to remember Fernando Parierra,cheers biker.

pat56, Jan 28, 2:16am, will also give you full history of car.

tradingfreak360, Jan 28, 3:06pm
Sorry to hijack the thread but if a car has money owing how can I find out the amount that is owed apart from asking the seller!

iron-maiden, Jan 28, 11:51pm
you cant

petermcg, Feb 18, 2:07am
You can its a process and costs $25, come see me.