Cool, I am looking for a club to join. Im sure ill be accepted on my Suzuki as they are after all "just a motorcycle enthusists club" Where do I sign up I wonder!
Jan 27, 11:24pm
enthusiasts dont ride suzukis
Jan 27, 11:27pm
Bugger, what does that make me then! and your spelling of enthusiasts looks better than mine.
Jan 27, 11:32pm
Hell, that must make you a "rebel" then.
Jan 27, 11:34pm
Been here for a while lol, soon to take over, watch this space.
When they see how much rego costs,they'll be gone.
Jan 28, 12:38am
The radio was saying they are 'repatched members'. Wonder what that involves and is it painful!
Jan 28, 12:39am
I imagine having your member patched would kinda hurt.
Jan 28, 12:48am
Wonder what the initiation ceremony involves to become a patched member! Or do you have to do 'an action' or 'a piece of work' to get in!
Jan 28, 12:50am
Probably help an old lady across the busy street or get a cat out of a tree, that kinda thing i would think .
Jan 28, 12:52am
Obviously trying to give up smoking
Jan 28, 12:53am
if not the rego then the weather! nz aint as dry as oz. (looks at sky outside)
Jan 28, 12:56am
looking on telly last week i'd say you might be wrong.
Jan 28, 12:57am
you have to volunteer at the spca to get in i think
Jan 28, 1:06am
do they drive tractors!
Jan 28, 2:18am
dont know but probably best to just e mail your local branch with your name and address and they pop round and show you.might be a lot easier if your put yr mums details down too so they can pop round and help her with the lawns whilst they are at it.hahaha
Jan 28, 2:35am
The full requirements to become a Rebel are the following: candidates must be male, have a valid driver's licence, have a working motorcycle and cannot be a child molester or have applied to become a police officer or prison guard
Jan 28, 6:03pm
What do the other clubs think of the competition for there $ bucks.
Jan 28, 8:18pm
tough guys aye. one on one without a weapon and they'll be shaking more than those pieces of shit they ride.
Jan 28, 11:06pm
What about a patched weapon!!
Jan 28, 11:07pm
Seriously, I wished they'd bugger off. The last thing we need is more gang types.
When I was in Australia I was standing next to a group of Bandidos and they have litle yellow triangles sewn on to their leather jackets. Each one contains amessage, one had "We never say sorry and we never forget", that one is a bit chilling but the overall effect of the message triangles was comical.
Jan 29, 3:09pm
the t shirt i liked (as seen on a hells angel), 'why run, you will only die tired'
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