Help with first car

holdenboy11, Dec 11, 4:29am
Just looking at purchasing my first car, and would like to know what models to look at.I've been a bit slack in getting it all together.

At first I was looking at cars like altezza's and other similar models.I now have several galant's, primera's and familia's on my watchlist.

My budget is somewhere between $2,500 and $4,000, with good value being essential.Anything over $3,000 and I would need to organise finance for it.

Personally preferences:
- Clean, tidy look
- Good reliability and low maintenance
- 4 door sedan; automatic

Thank you in advance!

michael.benn, Dec 11, 4:37am
Honda Accord CD5 sedan.

crzyhrse, Dec 11, 5:18am
Hahaha no wonder you're 'holdenboy11'. you'v never owned one!

Don't worry though - that goes for most people you see in HSV gear too.

gooddealz2, Dec 11, 6:02am
What's wrong with an older Holden saying as you seem to like them going by your user name! You could get an Ok early to mid 90's model for that money.

mugenb20b, Dec 11, 5:13pm
+1 Good little cars. Cheap to service, run and insure.

mugenb20b, Dec 11, 5:15pm
Yeah, good luck with that.

thejazzpianoma, Dec 11, 5:15pm
My advice is learn to drive a manual. You will get much better options and better reliability and economy for your money. Its a different story when you have 15K to spend but with cheap cars manual is best.

Generally the most likely cause of a properly expensive repair on a car of that age is automatic transmission failure, and when it strikes its not often worth repairing due to cost.

Best of luck with it all.

patiki1, Dec 11, 5:20pm
Ive seen alot of people wear all blacks gear,dont think they have ever been all blacks.

3tomany, Dec 11, 5:24pm
most would have played rugby or at leesed watched some on tv lol

vtecintegra, Dec 11, 5:28pm
Most people wearing HSV gear would probably have watched the V8s on TV too.

3tomany, Dec 11, 5:37pm
i know

ringo2, Dec 11, 6:26pm
And virtually bullet proof.

curlcrown, Dec 11, 8:44pm
A late 90s nissin sunny would be ideal. Same running gear as a pulsar but for some reason not as popular so much cheaper.

crzyhrse, Dec 12, 12:55am
They're probably the same ones that make fun of Trekkies for dressing up too! (and no, I'm not a Trekkie - I find both groups equally ridiculous).

kcf, May 28, 12:15pm
Probably worth less because most people find them realllllllllly ugly